On Tue, 15 May 2012, Lawrence Paulson wrote:

I am teaching an Isabelle course right now, and I constantly refer students to various capabilities offered in Proof General's menus. I've never understood how jEdit can do the amazing things it does and yet not offer something as simple as menus.

Menus should be quite easy to implement.

The menus alone are not so difficult. One merely needs to spend a little time to look closely how jEdit plugins usually do it, and then imitate that -- not the old Emacs way, but the jEdit way.

Conceptually, there is a deeper reason why such things outside the main editor buffer are not yet supported: the document model is based on explicit edits and corresponding changes of the semantic content. There is simply no support yet for diagnostic functions over existing document content. One needs to simulate that by editing the query functions into the text, presently by manual editing. Moreover, many of the PG menu operations are actually changing global state variables in the prover process, which is incompatible with the asynchronous editor model.

Some of this is explained in the following recent paper on "READ-EVAL-PRINT in Parallel and Asynchronous Proof-checking" http://www4.in.tum.de/~wenzelm/papers/async-repl.pdf

Also nice would be palettes of mathematical symbols, although at least Mac users can instead rely on a system-wide Unicode character entry menu.

That's one of the many small convenience that can be imagined. If someone shows me a nice little solution to the problem, I can integrate it. (Hopefully not depending on huge useless Java frameworks in the background.)

Concerning the generic input method problem, I've learned an interesting variant in the Isabelle course yesterday: ASCII tilde is quite hard to type on some keyboard variants on Windows -- it was an Arabic keyboard with French mapping from French Windows. Another interesting variant was the Asian MacBook with French layout, but I think it worked better. In fact, the tilde (and some other ASCII keys) are already known to be difficult to produce on Mac OS with German layout.

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