*** Prover IDE -- Isabelle/Scala/jEdit ***

* IDE support for the source-level debugger of Poly/ML, to work with Isabelle/ML and official Standard ML. Configuration option "ML_debugger" and commands 'ML_file_debug', 'ML_file_no_debug', 'SML_file_debug', 'SML_file_no_debug' control compilation of sources with debugging information. The Debugger panel allows to set breakpoints (via context menu), step through stopped threads, evaluate local ML expressions etc. At least one Debugger view needs to be active to have any effect on the running ML program.

This refers to Isabelle/077f663b6c24. A small example is included as attachment.

The Poly/ML debugger interface is new, see also http://www.polyml.org/documentation/Reference/PolyMLDebuggerInterface.html

We have now the opportunity to test all that thoroughly, before David Matthews can roll out a proper release.

theory Debugger_Example
imports Pure

section \<open>Minimal example\<close>

text \<open>
  \<bullet> Ensure that the Debugger panel is open

  \<bullet> Right-click on the "fun\<bullet>loop" breakpoint and enable it via 
context menu item
    "Toggle Breakpoint".

  \<bullet> Edit some spaces in lemma statement to re-check ML_val invocations 
    and run into the debugger.

  \<bullet> Step through the ML source, using Debugger controls, depending on 

declare [[ML_debugger = true]]

ML \<open>
  fun print n s = writeln (string_of_int n ^ " " ^ s);

  fun loop n =
    if n <= 0 then n
        val _ = print n "a";
        val m = loop (n - 1);
        val _ = print (m + 1) "b";
      in n end;

ML_val \<open>loop 10\<close>
ML_val \<open>loop 10\<close>
ML_val \<open>loop 10\<close>

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