On Thu, 21 Apr 2016, Lars Hupel wrote:

Yesterday, I switched on "artifacts", which means Jenkins now builds &
archives "browser_info" and PDF output. This can be witnessed e.g. here:*

Unless I'm missing something, this now means we have basically 100% feature parity.

This is hard to say, because the isatest infrastructure is fallen into decay over the past few years. We need to catch up and regain the full 100% of many years ago.

Important requirements:

  * Realistic tests with typical settings. This means that x86 (and not
    x86_64) is used by default. We've recently seen mysterious resource
    problems occasionally, and the automatic testing infrastructure should
    be able to point quickly to relevant changesets.

  * Decent performance measurements and charts: both multi-core run-time
    and heap space requirements.

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