On 12/06/2016 18:22, Florian Haftmann wrote:
Thus I would like to understand why we cannot reuse Sup etc in HOLCF
like we do for all the other variants of lattices we have. We would
probably need a suitable type class because at the moment lub is

For each type class, per type constructor there is at most *one*

If we use the standard HOL class hierarchy for HOLCF, we
would e.g. enforce the order on pairs to be component-wise due to the
required / given instance of cpo in HOLCF and hence rule out e.g.
lexicographic ordering on pairs.  Hence the use of a separate
type class hierarchy makes sense for that specific application.

You are saying that the problem is the ordering which would be shared, which is why we use "⊑" in HOLCF rather than "<=".

But that argument applies to any instantiation of the order on products. That is, any application that instantiates the product order should therefore not use the generic "<="? Probably not if it is a development that is supposed to be the basis for many others, like HOLCF?

So maybe the deeper reason is indeed the usual problem with type classes, in which case I would support the plain ASCII "LUB".



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