Hi Lukas,

I am currently stuck with a problem in Quickcheck/Narrowing.

After about 10 years it came to surface that code generation for Haskell
may produce irrefutable patterns due to pattern bindings in let clauses.
See <https://wiki.haskell.org/Lazy_pattern_match>; if I understand
<https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/patterns.html> correctly that
particular semantics allows fancy definitions like the following
fibonacci one-liner: »fib @ (1 : more_fib) = 1 : 1 : [ a + b | (a, b) <-
zip fib more_fib ]«.

However the partial correctness approach of the code generator assumes
that pattern match clauses may silently be dropped, which is made use of
to translate the HOL-ish »partial« undefined conveniently. This breaks
down in presence of irrefutable patterns (see the post on isabelle-users
by Rene Thiemann).

The correction is obvious: for Haskell, only local variables may be
bound by let clauses, but never patterns – these are solely bound by
case clauses, which are strict in Haskell (as in function equations).

This however breaks Quickcheck/Narrowing where the lazy nature of
pattern bindings has been exploited, may be unconsciously. A minimal
example is attached (Quickcheck_Narrowing_Examples.thy) but I also
distilled the generated Haskell code:

The same before and after:

Then the difference occurs:
        Before: Generated_Code.A.hs
        After: Generated_Code.B.hs

The same before and after:

The diff ist straight-forward to read:

>       93,102c93,106
>       <   let {
>       <     (Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) cfs) = f d;
>       <     (Narrowing_cons ta cas) = a (d - (1 :: Prelude.Int));
>       <     shallow = (0 :: Prelude.Int) < d && non_empty ta;
>       <     aa = (if shallow then map (\ cf (x : xs) -> cf xs (conv cas x)) 
> cfs
>       <            else []);
>       <   } in Narrowing_cons
>       <          (Narrowing_sum_of_products
>       <            (if shallow then map (\ ab -> ta : ab) ps else []))
>       <          aa;
>       ---
>       >   (case f d of {
>       >     Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) cfs ->
>       >       (case a (d - (1 :: Prelude.Int)) of {
>       >         Narrowing_cons ta cas ->
>       >           let {
>       >             shallow = (0 :: Prelude.Int) < d && non_empty ta;
>       >             aa = (if shallow then map (\ cf (x : xs) -> cf xs (conv 
> cas x)) cfs
>       >                    else []);
>       >           } in Narrowing_cons
>       >                  (Narrowing_sum_of_products
>       >                    (if shallow then map (\ ab -> ta : ab) ps else []))
>       >                  aa;
>       >       });
>       >   });
>       112,115c116,122
>       <   let {
>       <     (Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssa) ca) = a d;
>       <     (Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssb) cb) = b d;
>       <   } in Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products (ssa ++ ssb)) (ca ++ 
> cb);
>       ---
>       >   (case a d of {
>       >     Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssa) ca ->
>       >       (case b d of {
>       >         Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssb) cb ->
>       >           Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products (ssa ++ ssb)) (ca 
> ++ cb);
>       >       });
>       >   });

Unfortunately my knowledge is too restricted what could be done here to
restore the intended behaviour economically.

Hence I ask whether you have an idea what is going wrong here.

Thanks a lot!



PGP available:

Attachment: Quickcheck_Narrowing_Examples.thy
Description: application/extension-thy

  Generated_Code(Narrowing_type(..), Narrowing_term(..), Term(..), Itself(..),
                  Typerepa(..), Partial_term_of(..), Is_testable(..),
                  Narrowing_cons(..), Narrowing(..), Term_of(..), Num(..),
                  Char(..), Nat(..), typerep_nat, term_of_nat, non_empty, conv,
                  apply, cons, sum, narrowing_nat, partial_term_of_nat,
                  typerep_bool, narrowing_bool, partial_term_of_bool,
                  narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of, narrowing_dummy_narrowing,
                  ensure_testable, equal_nat, value)
  where {

import Prelude ((==), (/=), (<), (<=), (>=), (>), (+), (-), (*), (/), (**),
  (>>=), (>>), (=<<), (&&), (||), (^), (^^), (.), ($), ($!), (++), (!!), Eq,
  error, id, return, not, fst, snd, map, filter, concat, concatMap, reverse,
  zip, null, takeWhile, dropWhile, all, any, Integer, negate, abs, divMod,
  String, Bool(True, False), Maybe(Nothing, Just));
import qualified Prelude;
import qualified Typerep;

newtype Narrowing_type = Narrowing_sum_of_products [[Narrowing_type]];

data Narrowing_term = Narrowing_variable [Prelude.Int] Narrowing_type
  | Narrowing_constructor Prelude.Int [Narrowing_term];

data Term = Const String Typerep.Typerep | App Term Term
  | Abs String Typerep.Typerep Term | Free String Typerep.Typerep;

data Itself a = Type;

class Typerepa a where {
  typerep :: Itself a -> Typerep.Typerep;

class (Typerepa a) => Partial_term_of a where {
  partial_term_of :: Itself a -> Narrowing_term -> Term;

class Is_testable a where {

data Narrowing_cons a = Narrowing_cons Narrowing_type [[Narrowing_term] -> a];

class Narrowing a where {
  narrowing :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;

class (Typerepa a) => Term_of a where {
  term_of :: a -> Term;

instance (Term_of a, Narrowing a, Partial_term_of a,
           Is_testable b) => Is_testable (a -> b) where {

data Num = One | Bit0 Num | Bit1 Num;

data Char = Zero_char | Char Num;

data Nat = Zero_nat | Suc Nat;

typerep_nat :: Itself Nat -> Typerep.Typerep;
typerep_nat t = Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" [];

instance Typerepa Nat where {
  typerep = typerep_nat;

term_of_nat :: Nat -> Term;
term_of_nat (Suc a) =
  App (Const "Nat.Suc"
        (Typerep.Typerep "fun"
          [Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" [], Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []]))
    (term_of_nat a);
term_of_nat Zero_nat =
  Const "Nat.zero_nat_inst.zero_nat" (Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []);

instance Term_of Nat where {
  term_of = term_of_nat;

non_empty :: Narrowing_type -> Bool;
non_empty (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) = not (null ps);

conv :: forall a. [[Narrowing_term] -> a] -> Narrowing_term -> a;
conv cs (Narrowing_variable p uu) = error ('\0' : map Prelude.toEnum p);
conv cs (Narrowing_constructor i xs) = (cs !! i) xs;

apply ::
  forall a b.
    (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons (a -> b)) ->
      (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a) -> Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons b;
apply f a d =
  let {
    (Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) cfs) = f d;
    (Narrowing_cons ta cas) = a (d - (1 :: Prelude.Int));
    shallow = (0 :: Prelude.Int) < d && non_empty ta;
    aa = (if shallow then map (\ cf (x : xs) -> cf xs (conv cas x)) cfs
           else []);
  } in Narrowing_cons
           (if shallow then map (\ ab -> ta : ab) ps else []))

cons :: forall a. a -> Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;
cons a d = Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products [[]]) [(\ _ -> a)];

sum ::
  forall a.
    (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a) ->
      (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a) -> Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;
sum a b d =
  let {
    (Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssa) ca) = a d;
    (Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssb) cb) = b d;
  } in Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products (ssa ++ ssb)) (ca ++ cb);

narrowing_nat :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons Nat;
narrowing_nat = sum (cons Zero_nat) (apply (cons Suc) narrowing_nat);

instance Narrowing Nat where {
  narrowing = narrowing_nat;

partial_term_of_nat :: Itself Nat -> Narrowing_term -> Term;
partial_term_of_nat ty (Narrowing_constructor (1 :: Prelude.Int) [a]) =
  App (Const "Nat.Suc"
        (Typerep.Typerep "fun"
          [Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" [], Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []]))
    (partial_term_of_nat Type a);
partial_term_of_nat ty (Narrowing_constructor (0 :: Prelude.Int) []) =
  Const "Nat.zero_nat_inst.zero_nat" (Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []);
partial_term_of_nat ty (Narrowing_variable p tt) =
  Free "_" (Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []);

instance Partial_term_of Nat where {
  partial_term_of = partial_term_of_nat;

typerep_bool :: Itself Bool -> Typerep.Typerep;
typerep_bool t = Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" [];

instance Typerepa Bool where {
  typerep = typerep_bool;

narrowing_bool :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons Bool;
narrowing_bool = sum (cons True) (cons False);

instance Narrowing Bool where {
  narrowing = narrowing_bool;

instance Is_testable Bool where {

partial_term_of_bool :: Itself Bool -> Narrowing_term -> Term;
partial_term_of_bool ty (Narrowing_constructor (1 :: Prelude.Int) []) =
  Const "HOL.False" (Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" []);
partial_term_of_bool ty (Narrowing_constructor (0 :: Prelude.Int) []) =
  Const "HOL.True" (Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" []);
partial_term_of_bool ty (Narrowing_variable p tt) =
  Free "_" (Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" []);

instance Partial_term_of Bool where {
  partial_term_of = partial_term_of_bool;

narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of ::
  forall a. (Partial_term_of a) => Itself a -> Narrowing_term -> Term;
narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of = partial_term_of;

narrowing_dummy_narrowing ::
  forall a. (Narrowing a) => Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;
narrowing_dummy_narrowing = narrowing;

ensure_testable :: forall a. (Is_testable a) => a -> a;
ensure_testable f =
  let {
    _ = (narrowing_dummy_narrowing :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons Bool);
    _ = (narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of ::
          Itself Bool -> Narrowing_term -> Term);
    _ = conv;
  } in f;

equal_nat :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
equal_nat Zero_nat (Suc x2) = False;
equal_nat (Suc x2) Zero_nat = False;
equal_nat (Suc x2) (Suc y2) = equal_nat x2 y2;
equal_nat Zero_nat Zero_nat = True;

value :: forall a. a -> Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
value dummy = ensure_testable (\ y x -> equal_nat x y);

  Generated_Code(Narrowing_type(..), Narrowing_term(..), Term(..), Itself(..),
                  Typerepa(..), Partial_term_of(..), Is_testable(..),
                  Narrowing_cons(..), Narrowing(..), Term_of(..), Num(..),
                  Char(..), Nat(..), typerep_nat, term_of_nat, non_empty, conv,
                  apply, cons, sum, narrowing_nat, partial_term_of_nat,
                  typerep_bool, narrowing_bool, partial_term_of_bool,
                  narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of, narrowing_dummy_narrowing,
                  ensure_testable, equal_nat, value)
  where {

import Prelude ((==), (/=), (<), (<=), (>=), (>), (+), (-), (*), (/), (**),
  (>>=), (>>), (=<<), (&&), (||), (^), (^^), (.), ($), ($!), (++), (!!), Eq,
  error, id, return, not, fst, snd, map, filter, concat, concatMap, reverse,
  zip, null, takeWhile, dropWhile, all, any, Integer, negate, abs, divMod,
  String, Bool(True, False), Maybe(Nothing, Just));
import qualified Prelude;
import qualified Typerep;

newtype Narrowing_type = Narrowing_sum_of_products [[Narrowing_type]];

data Narrowing_term = Narrowing_variable [Prelude.Int] Narrowing_type
  | Narrowing_constructor Prelude.Int [Narrowing_term];

data Term = Const String Typerep.Typerep | App Term Term
  | Abs String Typerep.Typerep Term | Free String Typerep.Typerep;

data Itself a = Type;

class Typerepa a where {
  typerep :: Itself a -> Typerep.Typerep;

class (Typerepa a) => Partial_term_of a where {
  partial_term_of :: Itself a -> Narrowing_term -> Term;

class Is_testable a where {

data Narrowing_cons a = Narrowing_cons Narrowing_type [[Narrowing_term] -> a];

class Narrowing a where {
  narrowing :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;

class (Typerepa a) => Term_of a where {
  term_of :: a -> Term;

instance (Term_of a, Narrowing a, Partial_term_of a,
           Is_testable b) => Is_testable (a -> b) where {

data Num = One | Bit0 Num | Bit1 Num;

data Char = Zero_char | Char Num;

data Nat = Zero_nat | Suc Nat;

typerep_nat :: Itself Nat -> Typerep.Typerep;
typerep_nat t = Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" [];

instance Typerepa Nat where {
  typerep = typerep_nat;

term_of_nat :: Nat -> Term;
term_of_nat (Suc a) =
  App (Const "Nat.Suc"
        (Typerep.Typerep "fun"
          [Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" [], Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []]))
    (term_of_nat a);
term_of_nat Zero_nat =
  Const "Nat.zero_nat_inst.zero_nat" (Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []);

instance Term_of Nat where {
  term_of = term_of_nat;

non_empty :: Narrowing_type -> Bool;
non_empty (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) = not (null ps);

conv :: forall a. [[Narrowing_term] -> a] -> Narrowing_term -> a;
conv cs (Narrowing_variable p uu) = error ('\0' : map Prelude.toEnum p);
conv cs (Narrowing_constructor i xs) = (cs !! i) xs;

apply ::
  forall a b.
    (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons (a -> b)) ->
      (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a) -> Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons b;
apply f a d =
  (case f d of {
    Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ps) cfs ->
      (case a (d - (1 :: Prelude.Int)) of {
        Narrowing_cons ta cas ->
          let {
            shallow = (0 :: Prelude.Int) < d && non_empty ta;
            aa = (if shallow then map (\ cf (x : xs) -> cf xs (conv cas x)) cfs
                   else []);
          } in Narrowing_cons
                   (if shallow then map (\ ab -> ta : ab) ps else []))

cons :: forall a. a -> Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;
cons a d = Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products [[]]) [(\ _ -> a)];

sum ::
  forall a.
    (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a) ->
      (Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a) -> Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;
sum a b d =
  (case a d of {
    Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssa) ca ->
      (case b d of {
        Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products ssb) cb ->
          Narrowing_cons (Narrowing_sum_of_products (ssa ++ ssb)) (ca ++ cb);

narrowing_nat :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons Nat;
narrowing_nat = sum (cons Zero_nat) (apply (cons Suc) narrowing_nat);

instance Narrowing Nat where {
  narrowing = narrowing_nat;

partial_term_of_nat :: Itself Nat -> Narrowing_term -> Term;
partial_term_of_nat ty (Narrowing_constructor (1 :: Prelude.Int) [a]) =
  App (Const "Nat.Suc"
        (Typerep.Typerep "fun"
          [Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" [], Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []]))
    (partial_term_of_nat Type a);
partial_term_of_nat ty (Narrowing_constructor (0 :: Prelude.Int) []) =
  Const "Nat.zero_nat_inst.zero_nat" (Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []);
partial_term_of_nat ty (Narrowing_variable p tt) =
  Free "_" (Typerep.Typerep "Nat.nat" []);

instance Partial_term_of Nat where {
  partial_term_of = partial_term_of_nat;

typerep_bool :: Itself Bool -> Typerep.Typerep;
typerep_bool t = Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" [];

instance Typerepa Bool where {
  typerep = typerep_bool;

narrowing_bool :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons Bool;
narrowing_bool = sum (cons True) (cons False);

instance Narrowing Bool where {
  narrowing = narrowing_bool;

instance Is_testable Bool where {

partial_term_of_bool :: Itself Bool -> Narrowing_term -> Term;
partial_term_of_bool ty (Narrowing_constructor (1 :: Prelude.Int) []) =
  Const "HOL.False" (Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" []);
partial_term_of_bool ty (Narrowing_constructor (0 :: Prelude.Int) []) =
  Const "HOL.True" (Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" []);
partial_term_of_bool ty (Narrowing_variable p tt) =
  Free "_" (Typerep.Typerep "HOL.bool" []);

instance Partial_term_of Bool where {
  partial_term_of = partial_term_of_bool;

narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of ::
  forall a. (Partial_term_of a) => Itself a -> Narrowing_term -> Term;
narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of = partial_term_of;

narrowing_dummy_narrowing ::
  forall a. (Narrowing a) => Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons a;
narrowing_dummy_narrowing = narrowing;

ensure_testable :: forall a. (Is_testable a) => a -> a;
ensure_testable f =
  let {
    _ = (narrowing_dummy_narrowing :: Prelude.Int -> Narrowing_cons Bool);
    _ = (narrowing_dummy_partial_term_of ::
          Itself Bool -> Narrowing_term -> Term);
    _ = conv;
  } in f;

equal_nat :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
equal_nat Zero_nat (Suc x2) = False;
equal_nat (Suc x2) Zero_nat = False;
equal_nat (Suc x2) (Suc y2) = equal_nat x2 y2;
equal_nat Zero_nat Zero_nat = True;

value :: forall a. a -> Nat -> Nat -> Bool;
value dummy = ensure_testable (\ y x -> equal_nat x y);

module Main where {

import System.IO;
import System.Environment;
import Narrowing_Engine;
import Generated_Code ;

main = getArgs >>= \[potential, size] -> Narrowing_Engine.depthCheck (read potential) (read size) (Generated_Code.value ())

module Narrowing_Engine where {

import Control.Monad;
import Control.Exception;
import System.IO;
import System.Exit;
import qualified Typerep;
import qualified Generated_Code;

type Pos = [Int];

-- Term refinement

new :: Pos -> [[Generated_Code.Narrowing_type]] -> [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term];
new p ps = [ Generated_Code.Narrowing_constructor c (zipWith (\i t -> Generated_Code.Narrowing_variable (p++[i]) t) [0..] ts)
           | (c, ts) <- zip [0..] ps ];

refine :: Generated_Code.Narrowing_term -> Pos -> [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term];
refine (Generated_Code.Narrowing_variable p (Generated_Code.Narrowing_sum_of_products ss)) [] = new p ss;
refine (Generated_Code.Narrowing_constructor c xs) p = map (Generated_Code.Narrowing_constructor c) (refineList xs p);

refineList :: [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> Pos -> [[Generated_Code.Narrowing_term]];
refineList xs (i:is) = let (ls, x:rs) = splitAt i xs in [ls ++ y:rs | y <- refine x is];

-- Find total instantiations of a partial value

total :: Generated_Code.Narrowing_term -> [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term];
total (Generated_Code.Narrowing_constructor c xs) = [Generated_Code.Narrowing_constructor c ys | ys <- mapM total xs];
total (Generated_Code.Narrowing_variable p (Generated_Code.Narrowing_sum_of_products ss)) = [y | x <- new p ss, y <- total x];

-- Answers

answeri :: a -> (Bool -> a -> IO b) -> (Pos -> IO b) -> IO b;
answeri a known unknown =
  try (evaluate a) >>= (\res ->
     case res of
       Right b -> known True b
       Left (ErrorCall ('\0':p)) -> unknown (map fromEnum p)
       Left e -> throw e);

answer :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool -> Bool -> IO b) -> (Pos -> IO b) -> IO b;
answer genuine_only a known unknown =
  Control.Exception.catch (answeri a known unknown) 
    (\ (PatternMatchFail _) -> known False genuine_only);

-- Refute

str_of_list [] = "[]";
str_of_list (x:xs) = "(" ++ x ++ " :: " ++ str_of_list xs ++ ")";

report :: Bool -> Result -> [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> IO Int;
report genuine r xs = putStrLn ("SOME (" ++ (if genuine then "true" else "false") ++
  ", " ++ (str_of_list $ zipWith ($) (showArgs r) xs) ++ ")") >> hFlush stdout >> exitWith ExitSuccess;

eval :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool -> Bool -> IO a) -> (Pos -> IO a) -> IO a;
eval genuine_only p k u = answer genuine_only p k u;

ref :: Bool -> Result -> [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> IO Int;
ref genuine_only r xs = eval genuine_only (apply_fun r xs) (\genuine res -> if res then return 1 else report genuine r xs)
  (\p -> sumMapM (ref genuine_only r) 1 (refineList xs p));

refute :: Bool -> Result -> IO Int;
refute genuine_only r = ref genuine_only r (args r);

sumMapM :: (a -> IO Int) -> Int -> [a] -> IO Int;
sumMapM f n [] = return n;
sumMapM f n (a:as) = seq n (do m <- f a ; sumMapM f (n+m) as);

-- Testable

instance Show Typerep.Typerep where {
  show (Typerep.Typerep c ts) = "Type (\"" ++ c ++ "\", " ++ show ts ++ ")";

instance Show Generated_Code.Term where {
  show (Generated_Code.Const c t) = "Const (\"" ++ c ++ "\", " ++ show t ++ ")";
  show (Generated_Code.App s t) = "(" ++ show s ++ ") $ (" ++ show t ++ ")";
  show (Generated_Code.Abs s ty t) = "Abs (\"" ++ s ++ "\", " ++ show ty ++ ", " ++ show t ++ ")";
  show (Generated_Code.Free s ty) = "Free (\"" ++ s ++  "\", " ++ show ty ++ ")";

data Result =
  Result { args     :: [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term]
         , showArgs :: [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term -> String]
         , apply_fun    :: [Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> Bool

data P = P (Int -> Int -> Result);

run :: Testable a => ([Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> a) -> Int -> Int -> Result;
run a = let P f = property a in f;

class Testable a where {
  property :: ([Generated_Code.Narrowing_term] -> a) -> P;

instance Testable Bool where {
  property app = P $ \n d -> Result [] [] (app . reverse);

instance (Generated_Code.Partial_term_of a, Generated_Code.Narrowing a, Testable b) => Testable (a -> b) where {
  property f = P $ \n d ->
    let Generated_Code.Narrowing_cons t c = Generated_Code.narrowing d
        c' = Generated_Code.conv c
        r = run (\(x:xs) -> f xs (c' x)) (n+1) d
    in  r { args = Generated_Code.Narrowing_variable [n] t : args r,
      showArgs = (show . Generated_Code.partial_term_of (Generated_Code.Type :: Generated_Code.Itself a)) : showArgs r };

-- Top-level interface

depthCheck :: Testable a => Bool -> Int -> a -> IO ();
depthCheck genuine_only d p =
  (refute genuine_only $ run (const p) 0 d) >> putStrLn ("NONE") >> hFlush stdout;

smallCheck :: Testable a => Bool -> Int -> a -> IO ();
smallCheck genuine_only d p = mapM_ (\d -> depthCheck genuine_only d p) [0..d] >> putStrLn ("NONE") >> hFlush stdout;

module Typerep where {

data Typerep = Typerep String [Typerep]


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