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  Semoga sumbangan kita yang kecil ini, menjadi sebab kita mendapat Syafa`at 
Nabi ALLAH S.a.w.,  dan para syuhada' Palesteen yang muttaqeeen..., Ameeen Ya 
  Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 12:14:11 -0800 
From: Adzhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Subject: Gaza red alert 

Have you seen the news about Gaza? I just signed a petition calling on the 
international community to help end the blockade and reach a ceasefire, take a 
look and add your name if you agree:


Dear friends,

Gaza’s southern border has broken open, 350,000 Palestinians are crossing it 
and Israeli retaliation is expected. The world must step in urgently to prevent 
an explosion – so let's call on the United Nations, European Union and Arab 
League to oversee the opening of borders, and to help broker the ceasefire 
which civilians on all sides desperately need. Please click below to sign the 
emergency petition -- we'll deliver it when we reach 150,000 signatures -- sign 
now and forward this email to your friends and family:

The months-old border blockade of Gaza by Israel has finally hit crisis point. 
This week's blackouts caught the attention of the world, now the situation is 
slipping out of control -- militants have blown open Gaza's southern border 
with Egypt and Israel could act by force to close it.

The world can stop this crisis, and help save civilians on all sides. This 
isn't about taking sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: it's about 1.5 
million human beings locked up in the biggest prison on earth. The blockade 
must be lifted and the border opened properly, with international controls to 
prevent weapons smuggling. The missile war between Israel and Gaza can only be 
stopped by a reciprocal ceasefire that Hamas stands ready to negotiate. 

While Israel and the US remain committed to the failing siege, the UN, European 
Union and Arab League could step in to end this blockade, oversee open borders, 
and help broker the ceasefire which civilians on all sides desperately need -- 
so sign the petition and spread the word:

The humanitarian crisis of Gaza is only getting worse, as patients die in 
hospitals for lack of care, and clean drinking water runs low. Palestinian 
militants are still launching missiles at the Israeli town of Sderot, and 
Israeli missiles claimed 35 Palestinian lives last week -- many of them 

No genuine peace talks will be possible while this crisis continues. In the 
Israel-Lebanon war of 2006, we saw how global pressure and assistance can stop 
such a crisis and protect civilians from harm -- we cannot stay silent about 
the crisis in Gaza. Please add your name now at the link above, and forward 
this message widely. 

With hope and determination, 

Ricken, Paul, Galit, Esra’a, Pascal, Ben and the whole Avaaz team

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another message. 

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