Orang kafir tidak beriman kepada Allah, tapi mereka mengkaji
teknologi yang terdapat dalam Al Quran untuk menghasilkan senjata pemusnah. Ada
kisah yang mengatakan andaikata jika api neraka ini sampai ke bumi walaupun
sebesar mata jarum pasti bumi ini akan musnah sama sekali. Api atau cahaya yang
sebesar jarum yang boleh memusnahkan sesuatu ialah senjata laser atau juga
dipanggil HEL (Neraka – Singkatan untuk High Energy Laser).
Tentera Amerika akan mula menggunakan senjata laser ini
untuk memusnahkan kapal terbang pengintip musuh (drone) dalam masa terdekat.
Untuk jangka masa panjang kos menggunakan senjata laser adalah jauh lebih murah
dari menggunakan peluru berpandu. 
Berapakah suhu senjata laser ini? Ada yang mengatakan 1000
Celsius. Manakala suhu matahari ialah 5000 Celsius di ruang photosphere. Namun
pancaran laser ada yang boleh mencapai 111,000,000 Celsius.
Andaikata teknologi yang ada sekarang hanya boleh
memusnahkan kapal terbang kecil dengan suhu antara 5000 ke 111,000,000 Celsius.
Bayangkan suhu senjata laser ciptaan Allah yang boleh memusnahkan bumi dan
seisinya dengan sekelip mata dengan api neraka yang sampai hanya sebesar mata
Itu belum lagi teknologi senjata bunyi yang sedang dibuat
oleh negara barat dan dipertingkatkan dari masa ke semasa yang pasti tidak
dapat menandingi senjata bunyi ciptaan Allah iaitu Sangkakala yang akan ditiup
oleh malaikat Israfil. 
Itu belum lagi teknologi mengembara lebih laju dari cahaya
yang diilhamkan Einstein. Orang Negeri Sembilan kalau nak tahu teknologi
mengembara lebih laju dari cahaya ini kena baca kisah begitu ramai ulama silam
di Negeri Sembilan, antaranya Tuan Tulis.
Mereka yang takutkan Allah, mereka yang rapat dengan Allah,
Allah akan beri mereka ilmu yang mereka tidak pinta untuk diagung-agungkan.
Lagi banyak ilmu dan kefahaman yang Allah beri kepada mereka, lagi tunduk dan
takut mereka kepada Allah.
Jauhnya kita dengan mereka adalah seperti antara langit dan
bumi, jauhnya mereka dengan para Nabi juga adalah seperti antara langit dan
bumi. Siapalah kita? Layakkah kita dipanggil orang beriman, pejuang kebenaran? 
High Energy Laser Directed Energy Weapons
Most contemporary literature lumps together a broad mix of
weapons technologies in the Directed Energy Weapon category, including High
Energy Laser (HEL) weapons. While simple in principle, the design and 
of a Chemical Laser is anything but trivial. Combusters operate at temperatures
as high as 1000 to 2000 deg C, depending on the laser fuel mix used.
When the Navy announced last month that it was deploying a
shipboard laser weapon in the Persian Gulf, it seemed that the future of
warfare had arrived, in which the enemy could be blasted from the sky by a beam
of light.
The beam of light part is basically accurate — that’s what a
laser produces, although in this case the light is not in the visible part of
the spectrum. But the Navy weapon does not blast anything; instead, it heats
its target, bombarding it with light particles until it ablates, ignites or
otherwise is damaged. It is death by a bazillion photons.
Peter A. Morrison, manager of the Navy program, said the
weapon’s lasers use a crystal that has been doped with a rare-earth element.
Light-emitting diodes are used to “pump” the crystal — transferring energy into
it and stimulating the emission of photons, which all have the same energy and
exit the crystal from one end in a tight beam. Multiple lasers are used, and
the beams can be focused so they overlap on the target, concentrating the
photons on a small area.
Drone-wrecking laser gun to sail on US warship
12 April 2013 
Incinerating a million dollars' worth of equipment in 3
seconds flat is pretty easy if you're the US navy and you need to destroy a
hostile drone: short-range interceptor missiles that will do the job cost up to
$1.4 million. But when the USS Ponce steams into the Arabian Gulf next year, it
will have a far less costly countermeasure at its disposal: it will be the
first warship to be armed with a shipboard laser weapon, the US Office of Naval 
How hot is a laser beam?
Answer:  the hottest
laser beam is about 1000 degrees Celsius
However a laser beam of the right frequency can easily heat
something up far hotter 1000 C. Laser beams routinely vaporize steel, which
boils at 3000 C (5400 F), and tungsten which boils at over 5550 C (10000 F).
This approaches the surface temperature of the Sun, 5800 C or 104,400 F.
The biggest laser in the world, actually 192 lasers all
focused on the same spot, is at the National Ignition Facility in Livermore
California. They recently dumped 1 Megajoule of energy into a target a few mm
across over a period of a few nanoseconds. They are shooting for temperatures
of 200,000,000 F (111,000,000 C) in order to induce nuclear fusion in a frozen
hydrogen pellet.
So I you could say that the hottest laser in the world can
produce temperatures of around 111,000,000 C or 200,000,000 F which is about 7
times the temperatures estimated for the inside of the Sun; 30,000,000 F or
15,000,000 C.
How Hot is the Sun?
At the core of the sun, gravitational attraction produces
immense pressure and temperature, which can reach more than 27 million degrees
F (15 million degrees C). Hydrogen atoms get compressed and fuse together,
creating helium. This process is called nuclear fusion.
The temperature in the photosphere is about 10,000 degrees F
(5,500 degrees C). It is here that the sun's radiation is detected as sunlight.
Sunspots on the photosphere are cooler and darker than the surrounding area. At
the center of big sunspots the temperature can be as low as 7,300 degrees F
(4,000 degrees C).

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