Assalamu aleikum.

"Earlier yesterday, White House spokesman Trent Duffy
said the president was confident he could monitor
events effectively without returning to Washington or
making public statements in Crawford, where he spent
part of the day clearing brush and bicycling."



Please note that 4 articles follow:

*Muslims Rush to Help Devastated Asians
*Aid Grows Amid Remarks About President's Absence
*What Bush is probably singing as he rides his bicycle



Muslims Rush to Help Devastated Asians
Additional Reporting By Muneeb Nasir, IOL Canada
Islam Online
December 29, 2004


An Emirates Red Crescent employee supervises the
loading of aid containers.

Indian people cross by boat after a bridge was
destroyed by tidal waves. (AFP)
CAIRO, December 29 ( & News Agencies) –
Muslims in the four corners of the universe joined the
rest of humanity in the world’s biggest ever relief
campaign to help the survivors of Asia’s worst
earthquake in decades and the resulting tsunami amid
warnings that epidemics could multiply the final death
toll to over 100,000.

Leading US and UK Muslim organizations have launched
online donations and appeals to people worldwide to
immediately send contributions.

The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR) and the UK-based Islamic Relief took
the initiative, asking “all people of conscience” to
offer humanitarian assistance to the survivors and
pray for the victims.

“We extend our sincerest condolences to the families
of those killed and pray for the speedy recovery of
those injured as a result of the earthquake,” CAIR
Chairman Omar Ahmad said in a press release, a copy of
which was sent to Tuesday, December

Chief among US online donators are Maryland-based Asia
Relief and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).

More than 68,000 people have been confirmed killed and
thousands displaced in walls of tidal waves triggered
by a 9.0 magnitude underwater earthquake – the world’s
biggest earthquake in 40 years – which struck deep in
the Indian Ocean off the west coast of Indonesia’s
Sumatra Island, according to a Reuters count.

Many coastal villages and resorts, now nothing more
than mud-covered rubble blanketed with the stench of
rotting corpses, remained inaccessible to heavy earth
moving equipment needed to clear debris and dispose of

Areas effectively cut off included eastern Sri Lanka,
India's remote Andaman and Nicobar Islands and
Indonesia's northern Aceh province, near the epicenter
of the killer quake.

British Donations

British Islamic Relief has launched an appeal to raise
€1,000,000 for the affected population, according to a
press release e-mailed to IOL Tuesday.

An initial €200,000 has been allocated for relief
intervention in the region and to help rehabilitate
victims of the disaster.

A further €20,000 of emergency aid will be sent to
affected people in worst-hit Sri Lanka.

IR representatives in Sri Lanka are performing needs
assessments, and IR staff will fly out within the next
48 hours to form an Emergency Response Team, the
missive added.

IR staff from Indonesia will further leave for Aceh to
assess the situation, and IR’s partners in India are
on their way to Chennai.

The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) has further
called on British Muslims and non-Muslims alike to
help with the massive relief effort needed.

“We are profoundly distressed by the massive loss of
life and our prayers are with all those who have been
afflicted. It would require an unprecedented
international effort to coordinate and fund relief
efforts to those who need it most and we appeal to the
British public to donate generously in this regard,”
MAB’s President Ahmad Sheikh said in a press release
e-mailed to IOL Tuesday.

Canadian Assistance
Canadian Muslim and non-Muslim charities also found
their phones ringing off the hook over the last few
days as people call to make donations of money and

“We have been fielding calls all day at our office
from concerned Canadians, particularly those with
roots and family and loved ones in the affected
countries,” Raza Khan, Vice Chairman of the Canadian
Relief Foundation (CRF), told IOL.

“Many are requesting personal financial assistance for
their families and businesses which have literally
been washed away. They are fearful and saddened by the
calamitous events, which have occurred out of a bright
blue sky, out of nowhere, and without warning,” he

In Toronto, which has the largest Sri Lankan community
outside of Sri Lanka, cultural associations are
sending hundreds of youth canvassers door to door, and
a Tamil-language radio station has launched a telethon
to take in donations from its listeners.

The CRF is coordinating its efforts with the Sri
Lankan community leaders.

“We’ve connected with local Sri Lankan community
leaders and are coordinating efforts to fundraise
together and work out logistics to get relief reliably
to the people who need it most.” Khan said.

“We are planning to hold a major fund raising event in
Hamilton. It will be a multi-faith effort with several
Muslim, Christian and Hindu groups working together,”
he said.

Other Canadian charities and NGOs included
International Development and Relief Foundation,
UNICEF Canada and the Canadian Red Cross.

Arab Contributions

Several Arab countries were also quick to dispatch
relief materials to the Asian countries, which took
the brunt of the killer quake.

The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent dispatched
relief materials and transferred money to Indonesia,
Sri Lanka, India and Bangladesh plus a team of 25
trained officers and four police dogs for rescue
missions to Indonesia, Reuters said.

Qatar has further offered immediate humanitarian
assistance to the displaced in Indonesia, Qatar’s
English-language The Peninsula newspaper reported.

“The Qatar government asked Indonesia to send a list
of the material that was required to provide relief to
survivors of the tragedy. We conveyed this gesture to
Jakarta, which in turn, has forwarded a list of items
that are urgently required in the disaster zone,”
Gulfam Afero, labor attaché at the Indonesian embassy
in Doha, told the daily.

Qatar Airways has also joined forces by ferrying
stranded passengers affected by the devastating tidal
waves that have swept across South and Southeast Asia
Sunday, December 26.

A special Qatar Airways charter aircraft flew to the
Maldives in the Indian Ocean Tuesday morning to pick
up 130 stranded guests in the Maldives before
returning to Doha in the evening.

Kuwait has also said it was sending one million
dollars in aid to the governments of the affected

Aid from across the globe reach Monday and Tuesday
Asia's obliterated villages and resorts.

International aid teams further landed in Asia's
tsunami-devastated villages Wednesday, December 29, in
a desperate race to prevent the spread of diseases in
one of the biggest catastrophe relief operations in

As grief-stricken survivors buried their dead in mass
graves, aid teams from Japan, India, Russia, France,
Germany and Taiwan worked to restore drinking water
and sanitation.

You May Also Read…

Asia Disaster: How Can I Help? (Special Folder)

Paying Zakah to Earthquake Victims

Earthquakes and Public Health: Myths & Realities




Aid Grows Amid Remarks About President's Absence
By John F. Harris and Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, December 29, 2004; Page A01

The Bush administration more than doubled its
financial commitment yesterday to provide relief to
nations suffering from the Indian Ocean tsunami, amid
complaints that the vacationing President Bush has
been insensitive to a humanitarian catastrophe of epic

As the death toll surpassed 50,000 with no sign of
abating, the U.S. Agency for International Development
added $20 million to an earlier pledge of $15 million
to provide relief, and the Pentagon dispatched an
aircraft carrier and other military assets to the
region. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, in morning
television appearances, chafed at a top U.N. aid
official's comment on Monday that wealthy countries
were being stingy with aid. "The United States is not
stingy," Powell said on CNN. 
Although U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland
yesterday withdrew his earlier comment, domestic
criticism of Bush continued to rise. Skeptics said the
initial aid sums -- as well as Bush's decision at
first to remain cloistered on his Texas ranch for the
Christmas holiday rather than speak in person about
the tragedy -- showed scant appreciation for the
magnitude of suffering and for the rescue and
rebuilding work facing such nations as Sri Lanka,
India, Thailand and Indonesia. 

After a day of repeated inquiries from reporters about
his public absence, Bush late yesterday afternoon
announced plans to hold a National Security Council
meeting by teleconference to discuss several issues,
including the tsunami, followed by a short public

Bush's deepened public involvement puts him more in
line with other world figures. In Germany, Chancellor
Gerhard Schroeder cut short his vacation and returned
to work in Berlin because of the Indian Ocean crisis,
which began with a gigantic underwater earthquake. In
Britain, the predominant U.S. voice speaking about the
disaster was not Bush but former president Bill
Clinton, who in an interview with the BBC said the
suffering was like something in a "horror movie," and
urged a coordinated international response. 

Earlier yesterday, White House spokesman Trent Duffy
said the president was confident he could monitor
events effectively without returning to Washington or
making public statements in Crawford, where he spent
part of the day clearing brush and bicycling.
Explaining the about-face, a White House official
said: "The president wanted to be fully briefed on our
efforts. He didn't want to make a symbolic statement
about 'We feel your pain.' " 

Many Bush aides believe Clinton was too quick to head
for the cameras to hold forth on tragedies with his
trademark empathy. "Actions speak louder than words,"
a top Bush aide said, describing the president's view
of his appropriate role. 

Some foreign policy specialists said Bush's actions
and words both communicated a lack of urgency about an
event that will loom as large in the collective
memories of several countries as the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks do in the United States. "When that many human
beings die -- at the hands of terrorists or nature --
you've got to show that this matters to you, that you
care," said Leslie H. Gelb, president emeritus of the
Council on Foreign Relations. 

There was an international outpouring of support after
the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, and even some administration officials
familiar with relief efforts said they were surprised
that Bush had not appeared personally to comment on
the tsunami tragedy. "It's kind of freaky," a senior
career official said. 

The president of Bread for the World, a leading
advocacy group lobbying for more U.S. assistance to
suffering people abroad, did not criticize the Bush
administration, but did urge the United States to play
a central role in the relief effort. "This is a
disaster of biblical proportions and one that calls
for a global response, with the United States playing
a key role," David Beckmann said. 

Some of those lost in the carnage were Americans. The
State Department, which is in the early stages of
estimating both relief needs and the U.S. death toll,
has received more than 4,000 inquiries about relatives
not yet accounted for, although many may be calls
searching for the same people, U.S. officials said. 

U.S. officials denied that the overnight aid increase
was a response to the U.N. complaint Monday that some
countries were "stingy" with aid. Usually only about
10 percent of the final aid tally is given in the
initial response to a natural disaster, with the bulk
of aid provided after an assessment of long-term
needs, according to the State Department. 

"We know the needs will be greater. This was a
disaster of almost unimaginable dimension, and it's
going to require massive support for some time," State
Department spokesman J. Adam Ereli said. 

Gelb said what appears to be a grudging increase in
effort sends the wrong message, at a time when dollar
totals matter less than a clear statement about U.S.
intentions. Noting that the disaster occurred at a
time when large numbers of people in many nations --
especially Muslim ones such as Indonesia -- object to
U.S. policies in Iraq, he said Bush was missing an
opportunity to demonstrate American benevolence. 

"People do watch and see what we do," he said. "Here's
an opportunity to remind people of the good we do, and
he [Bush] can do it without changing his policy on
Iraq or terrorism." 

"My initial reaction is that it does not seem to be
very aggressive," said Morton Abramowitz, a former
ambassador to Thailand who has been active in
humanitarian relief efforts, of the administration's
response to the tsunami. 

Besides USAID assistance, the Pentagon dispatched the
aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln from Hong Kong to
the region, and three Navy P-3 Orion surveillance
planes and six Air Force C-130 cargo planes with
humanitarian goods are being sent to Thailand. 

A regional support center will be established at a
military base in Utapao, Thailand, as a staging area
for relief flights and for emergency and medical
personnel providing assistance throughout the region,
the Pentagon announced yesterday. The U.S. Pacific
Command will deploy personnel mainly from the III
Marine Expeditionary Force to set up the command,
control and communication structure. 

Retired Gen. Wesley K. Clark, who as the military's
top European commander helped supervise NATO's efforts
to respond to a 1999 earthquake in Turkey, said the
United States has unique military capabilities in
reconnaissance and logistics management that can be
useful in the current crisis. He urged Bush to take a
higher profile. "Natural disasters happen," Clark
said. "One of the things people look for is a strong
response that illustrates America's humanitarian

Rep. Frank R. Wolf (R-Va.), who is frequently
outspoken in favor of U.S. humanitarian ventures, said
he believes the initial U.S. response has been
appropriate, even without a public role for Bush. "I
think the world knows we're a very generous people,"
he said. 

Still, the United Nations' Egeland complained on
Monday that each of the richest nations gives less
than 1 percent of its gross national product for
foreign assistance, and many give 0.1 percent. "It is
beyond me why we are so stingy, really," he told

Among the world's two dozen wealthiest countries, the
United States often is among the lowest in donors per
capita for official development assistance worldwide,
even though the totals are larger. According to the
Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development of 30 wealthy nations, the United States
gives the least -- at 0.14 percent of its gross
national product, compared with Norway, which gives
the most at 0.92 percent. 

Staff writer Jim VandeHei in Crawford, Tex., and
political researcher Brian Faler in Washington
contributed to this report.



Islamic Community Net
December 25, 2004

President's Radio Address
The White House
December 25, 2004

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On this Christmas day, as
families across the nation gather in our homes to
celebrate, Laura and I extend to all Americans our
best wishes for the holidays. We hope this Christmas
is a time of joy and peace for each of you, and we
hope it offers you a chance for rest and reflection as
you look forward to the new year ahead. 

The Christmas season fills our hearts with gratitude
for the many blessings in our lives. And with those
blessings comes a responsibility to reach out to
others. Many of our fellow Americans still suffer from
the effects of illness or poverty, others fight cruel
addictions, or cope with division in their families,
or grieve the loss of a loved one. 
Christmastime reminds each of us that we have a duty
to our fellow citizens, that we are called to love our
neighbor just as we would like to be loved ourselves.
By volunteering our time and talents where they are
needed most, we help heal the sick, comfort those who
suffer, and bring hope to those who despair, one heart
and one soul at a time. 

During the holidays, we also keep in our thoughts and
prayers the men and women of our Armed Forces,
especially those far from home, separated from family
and friends by the call of duty. In Afghanistan, Iraq,
and elsewhere, these skilled and courageous Americans
are fighting the enemies of freedom and protecting our
country from danger. By bringing liberty to the
oppressed, our troops are helping to win the war on
terror, and they are defending the freedom and
security of us all. They and their families are making
many sacrifices for our nation, and for that, all
Americans are deeply grateful. 

The times we live in have brought many challenges to
our country. And at such times, the story of Christmas
brings special comfort and confidence. For 2000 years,
Christmas has proclaimed a message of hope: the
patient hope of men and women across centuries who
listened to the words of prophets and lived in joyful
expectation, the hope of Mary who welcomed God's plan
with great faith, and the hope of Wise Men who set out
on a long journey, guided only by a promise traced in
the stars. 

Christmas reminds us that the grandest purposes of God
can be found in the humblest places, and it gives us
hope that all the love and gifts that come to us in
this life are the signs and symbols of an even greater
love and gift that came on a holy night. 

Thank you for listening, and Merry Christmas.



Artist: B.J. Thomas Lyrics
Song: Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head Lyrics

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me


It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

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{Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom 
(i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur'an) and fair preaching, and argue 
with them in a way that is better. Truly, your Lord knows best who has gone 
astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.} 
(Holy Quran-16:125)

{And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allah (believes in 
His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites 
(men) to Allah's (Islamic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I 
am one of the Muslims."} (Holy Quran-41:33)
The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "By Allah, if 
Allah guides one person by you, it is better for you than the best types of 
camels." [al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 

The prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)  also said, "Whoever 
calls to guidance will have a reward similar to the reward of the one who 
follows him, without the reward of either of them being lessened at all." 
[Muslim, Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, an-Nasaa'ee, at-Tirmidhee, Ibn Maajah] 

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