Warid Press <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:To: 
From: Warid Press <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 01:35:15 +0800 (CST)
Subject:  Imam Malik on Revering the Prophet (s) after His Death

Imam Malik on Revering the Prophet (s) after His Death 
al-Qadi `Iyad said in his book al-Shifa', section "Revering the Prophet after 
his death":

Mus`ab ibn `Abd Allah said:
Imam Malik, whenever the Prophet (s) was mentioned, his color would change, and 
he would incline his body until those who were sitting with him felt 
discomfort. This was mentioned to him and he said: "If you had seen what I have 
seen you would not blame me for what you see now. I used to see Muhammad ibn 
al-Munkadir--and he was the master of the scholars (sayyid al-qurra')--and we 
dared not ever ask him about a hadith except he wept until we pitied him."


Without any discussion of the authenticity, accepting this narration on the 
authority of Qadi `Iyad, we can infer several important points, without taking 
this as fiqh in any way:

First is that people may find such a display of emotion as that evoked by Imam 
Malik strange and even consider in their minds that it is disapproved of in 
shari`ah, as adduced from the narrator's words: "until those who were sitting 
with him felt discomfort."

Second is that when a person is in a state of `ishq or extreme love to Allah 
subhanahu wa ta`ala and His Prophet (s), he cannot be blamed for his actions 
which appear in him as a result of that intense love. And this is adduced from 
Malik's words "If you had seen what I have seen you would not blame for what 
you see now."

Third is that showing intense emotion, to the point that it affects one's 
physical appearance and actions, is not forbidden in Islam, rather, when 
spontaneous and sincere, evoked by the remembrance of one beloved, is a sign of 
true faith and great yaqeen (certainty). And this can be adduced by Malik's 
words "I used to see Muhammad ibn al-Munkadir--and he was the master of the 
scholars (sayyid al-qurra')--and we dared not ever ask him about a hadith 
except he wept until we pitied him." His affirmation that Muhammad ibn 
al-Munkadir was master of the scholars, is Imam Malik's way of saying that "if 
he accepted to fall into such a state of intense weeping, and he was my teacher 
and the master of all the scholars of Madina, then who can blame me if a 
similar state obtains in me?" This is enough to show that such a display can 
not by any means be considered a manifestation of shirk, nor is it bida`, but 
when it appears spontaneously, from love or fear or other intense emotion, is
 acceptable and blameless.

Fourth is that such a display of emotion, when evoked sincerely and not for 
show, is not limited by any specific form of action or physical effect, but is 
whatever appears in a person in terms of movements, weeping, exclamations, 
shaking and so on. And this is adduced from the narrator's words "his color 
would change, and he would incline his body " and from Imam Malik's words "he 
wept until we pitied him."

Fifth is that the use of the term sayyid for the Prophet (s) and for other than 
the Prophet (s) is permissible and is an action done by, and therefore promoted 
by one of the earliest great masters of fiqh, Imam Malik (ra), as in his words, 
"and he was the master of the scholars (sayyid al-qurra')."

Further Narrations

Further narrations of the reverence of other great Tabi`een and pious 
predecessors are found in the book of Ibn Qunfudh al-Qusantini al-Maliki (d. 
810) Wasilat al-islam bi al-nabi `alayhi al-salat wa al-salam:

"It was the practice of the Pious Predecessors and the Imams of the past that 
whenever the Prophet was mentioned in their presence they were overwhelmed by 
reverence, humbleness, stillness, and dignity. Ja`far ibn Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn 
al-Husayn ibn `Ali ibn Abi Talib (Ja`far al-Sadiq) would turn pale whenever he 
heard the Prophet mentioned. Imam Malik would not mention a hadith except in a 
state of ritual purity. `Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr 
al-Siddiq would turn red and stammer whenever he heard the Prophet mentioned. 
As for `Amir ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr ibn al-`Awamm al-Asadi (note: one of 
the many early Sufis), he would weep until his eyes had no tears left in them. 
When any hadiths were mentioned in their presence they would lower their 
voices. Malik said: 'His sacredness (hurmat) is in death is as his sacredness 
was in life.'"

Source: Abu al-`Abbas Ahmad ibn al-Khatib, known as Ibn Qunfudh al-Qusantini 
al-Maliki, Wasilat al-islam bi al-nabi `alayhi al-salat wa al-salam (The means 
of Islam with the Prophet, peace be upon him) (Beirut: Dar al-gharb al-islami, 
1404/1984) p. 145-146.

And Allah knows best,

the Editors, As-Sunna Foundation of America 

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