Testimony of David Rolde representing the Green-Rainbow Party of 
Massachusetts in opposition to Senate Bill 1474: 'An Act Relative to Pension 
Divestment' and in opposition to House Bill 2556: 'An Act Regulating Divestment 

March 29, 2007

The Green-Rainbow Party opposes Senate Bill 1474 (Docket Number: SD01591 
filed by Harriette Chandler), House Bill 2556 (filed by Denis Guyer) and all 
other bills calling for divestment from Sudan that are before the Massachusetts 
Senate and House of Representatives in General Court.

We oppose the bills not only because divestment would deprive Sudan of 
revenue and thus be harmful to the people of Sudan, but also because the bills 
based on an unjust and offensively racist demonization of the government and 
people of an African country whose people have suffered greatly from years of 
US economic warfare and overt and covert US military warfare against them.

Unjust and Hypocritical Demonization of Sudan

US imperialist and Zionist organizations have spent millions of dollars on 
an anti-Sudan propaganda campaign to vilify the Sudanese government and 
Sudanese people and to try to convince Americans that the Sudanese government 
committing genocide against the people of Sudan's Darfur region. In reality 
there is no genocide. There has been a civil war in Darfur with many armed 
factions - some anti-government factions being supported by the US - fighting 
against each other. The numbers of deaths are often exaggerated. The word 
"Janjaweed" in Darfur does not refer to a specific organization but refers to 
armed group whether they are independant bandits, allied with the 
government, or allied with one of the anti-government rebel movements. The 
for the anti-Sudan propaganda campaign are to convince Americans to support 
war against Sudan in order for the US government to gain control over Sudan's 
oil and other resources or to install a new Sudanese government more 
compliant to US wishes. Anti-Sudan propaganda is also part of the general 
and anti-Muslim rhetoric that is used to gain US domestic support for the war 
in Iraq, continued US support of Israel, and for the so-called "war on 

The anti-Sudan bills before the Massachusetts legislature demonize the 
government and people of Sudan - the largest country in Africa. The bills serve 
to amplify the drums of war against Sudan and set the stage for further U.S. 
imperial war against Sudan. The Chandler Bill cites Colin Powell and George W. 
Bush and other U.S. government officials - the same persons who lied about 
Iraq's non-existent "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and "links to Al Qaeda" to 
promote the invasion of Iraq - as accusing the government of Sudan of 
"genocide" and of "supporting international terrorism". Accusations like these 
recently and historically been used by the U.S. government as pretexts to go 
to war against many countries. All the bills depend on continuing US state 
department designation of "genocide" - a designation that can be placed and 
removed because of Sudanese government compliance or non-compliance with US 
dictates about other issues and about access to Sudanese resources. 
International organizations, including the United Nations and the African 
Union, have 
not used the term "genocide" in regards to Darfur, have not accused the 
Sudanese government of genocide, and have criticized all sides in the civil 
International organizations have also estimated fewer deaths in Darfur than 
the Chandler bill cites and have not blamed the Sudanese government for all the 

The demonization of Sudan as expressed in these bills is hypocritical on 
several levels. First: the text of the bills blame the Sudanese government for 
problems that were caused by US intervention. The US has starved Sudan with 
sanctions and a trade boycott, destroyed Sudan's largest pharmaceutical plant 
with a missile strike thus rendering Sudan incapable of producing needed 
medicines for its people and livestock, instigated the civil wars in Sudan, 
the rebels, and then blamed the Sudanese government for all the deaths 
(whether by violence or famine or disease) and callled it genocide.

Second: people in the USA do not hold the moral high ground to be able to 
accuse others of human rights violations. The United States government itself 
supports international terrorism and has killed millions of people with direct 
warfare in Iraq, Korea, and Southeast Asia and thousands of people in 
Afghanistan, Panama, Somalia and elsewhere. The US government through covert 
military support of insurgencies and open military support of brutal regimes 
killed thousands - and perhaps millions - of people in Palestine, Congo, Sudan, 
Lebanon, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Colombia, Haiti, etc. 

The US has committed genocide in Iraq, and is supporting a genocidal 
colonial settler regime in Palestine. But the Massachusetts legislators are not 
considering divesting from Israel or divesting from US weapons manufacturers. 
Sudan divestment campaign is aimed primarily at the Chinese oil company to 
try to stop China from obtaining oil from Sudan. China's growing economy 
represents a threat to US global economic hegemony. The US already cut China 
from Iraqi oil by invading Iraq. The Massachusetts legislators are not 
considering divesting from US oil companies who benefit from US imperialist 
warfare and neoliberal trade agreements forced on other countries by the US 
government at the behest of US oil companies. 

While the crudest anti-Sudan propaganda labels the civil wars in Sudan as 
race wars, in fact almost the entire population of Sudan are black, and almost 
everyone in Darfur is an Arabic speaking Muslim. The allegations that the 
Sudanese government has economically neglected Darfur must be seen in the 
context that Sudan is an impoverished country with a per capita GDP of less 
$2500 per year, that economic development during British colonial rule was 
regionally uneven before Sudan's independence only 50 years ago, that Sudan has 
not had the resources to fully recover yet from colonial underdevelopment, and 
again that Sudan is dealing with civil wars instigated by the US. 

Meanwhile in the USA millions of people of color are in prison or live in 
fear of harassment by the police and court system. There is widespread poverty 
and lack of equal access to economic opportunities - especially for people 
of color - in our wealthy country. Indeed the USA was founded on genocide 
and exploitation of Native Americans and of African slaves. 

Divestment would be harmful to the people of Sudan

The U.S. government started limited sanctions against Sudan in the early 
90s, accusing Sudan of "supporting international terrorism" because the 
government expressed support for the Palestinian cause and did not support 
the US "Gulf War" against Iraq.

In 1997 the Bill Clinton administration, with executive order 13067, imposed 
a complete trade and financial embargo against Sudan so that US persons or 
companies are not allowed to buy from or sell to Sudan. This embargo or 
boycott is still in effect. The embargo has damaged the Sudanese economy and 
caused immense suffering to the Sudanese people. Sudan is cut off from some 
markets for its exports. Therefore Sudanese exports must be sold for a lower 
price than they would be in a more competitive market situation, or sometimes 
buyer can be found. So Sudanese revenue is decreased and poverty 
increased.Things that Sudan needs - for instance human and veterinary 
medications that 
can't be produced locally since the Clinton administration destroyed Sudan's 
Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in 1998 - must be bought for a higher price in a 
market with reduced Sudanese access to vendors, or in some cases needed 
goods cannot be obtained by Sudan at all because Sudan cannot afford them or 
because they are only available from the US. 

Divestment from Sudan by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts might make it 
more difficult for Sudan to sell oil to China and possibly other exports to 
other buyers and thus would further reduce foreign revenue to Sudan. This 
is needed by the people of Sudan - it provides jobs - and by the government 
of Sudan to build infrastructure and provide services to the people of Sudan.

US Economic sanctions, (of which Massachusetts divestment from Sudan would 
be part), are used by the US government to coerce or try to coerce the 
Sudanese government into following US dictates. The US wants Sudan to support 
policies in Africa and the Middle East and to support Israel. The US 
government, on behalf of US-based corporations, wants unlimited access to and 
over Sudan's oil, uranium, gum arabic and other agricultural produce, and 
other resources. And the US government wants access to Sudan's territory to 
build military bases and pipelines. US government interests do not generally 
coincide with the interests of the people of Sudan. The Sudanese government, in 
order to acquiesce to US demands in hopes of US economic sanctions being 
removed or in hopes of the US stopping covert military operations against 
would have to act against the interests of the Sudanese people. 

Finally, sometimes US economic sanctions against a country are a prelude to 
overt warfare or an invasion. Demonization and economic sanctions set the 
stage for war. Iraq is a good example of this. Massachusetts divestment from 
Sudan would make a US, NATO or US-sponsored UN invasion of Sudan more likely to 
happen. US troops, including soldiers from Massachusetts, could end up 
being sent to kill and die in Sudan. This would plunge all of Sudan into 
and be a disaster for the people of Sudan.


Concern for the people of Sudan is laudable. It is important to understand 
the US role in Sudan and to understand the conflict in Darfur as a civil war 
rather than incorrectly as a genocide. Demonization of the Sudanese 
government and divestment from Sudan are harmful to the people of Sudan rather 
helpful. The Green-Rainbow Party urges the Massachusetts legislature to 
reject Senate Bill 1474 (An Act Relative to Pension Divestment), House Bill 
(An Act Regulating Divestment in Sudan) and any other bills calling for 
divestment from Sudan.

The Green-Rainbow Party has called for removal of all US economic sanctions 
against Sudan and for normalization of relations with Sudan. The 
Green-Rainbow Party is opposed to US or UN or other imposed military 
intervention in 
Sudan. To help the people of Sudan the Massachusetts state legislature should 
lobby the US federal government to remove economic sanctions against Sudan, 
normalize relations with Sudan, stop threatening Sudan, and refrain from arming 
or supporting any armed groups in Sudan. 

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References and Information Sources

"United States Terrorism in the Sudan" 
by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
a comprehensive and well-footnoted article about US intervention in Sudan in 
the 90s
_http://www.mediamon itors.net/ mosaddeq16. html#3_ 
(http://www.mediamon itors.net/ mosaddeq16. html#3) 

Ketih Harmon Snow's articles on Sudan
_http://www.allthing spass.com/ journalism. php?catid= 24_ 
(http://www.allthing spass.com/ journalism. php?catid= 24) 

'Darfur: an open discussion on intervention, regime change & the politics of 
Hear forum audio at Traprock Peace Center website
_http://www.traprock peace.org/ darfur_intervent ion_070606. html_ 
(http://www.traprock peace.org/ darfur_intervent ion_070606. html) 
article summarizing the forum at
_http://www.workers. org/2006/ world/darfur- 0720/index. html_ 
(http://www.workers. org/2006/ world/darfur- 0720/index. html) 

The Peace and Justice Foundation 
"What Concerned Citizens Should Know about the Crisis in Darfur
by El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan
_http://www.peacethr ujustice. org/home. htm_ 
(http://www.peacethr ujustice. org/home. htm) 
other articles on Sudan at
_http://www.peacethr ujustice. org/sudan. htm_ 
(http://www.peacethr ujustice. org/sudan. htm) 

'Darfur, Sudan: Seeking the Truth'
video interview with Minister Louis Farrakhan
_http://tinyurl. com/26orav_ (http://tinyurl. com/26orav) 

The European Sudanese Public Affairs Council
_http://www.espac. org_ (http://www.espac. org/) 
_http://www.espac. org/darfur_ (http://www.espac. org/darfur) 

Articles by Sara Flounders of the International Action Center
"The U.S. Role in Darfur, Sudan"
_http://www.workers. org/2006/ world/darfur- 0608/index. html_ 
(http://www.workers. org/2006/ world/darfur- 0608/index. html) 
"Why Sudan Rejects UN Troops"
_http://www.workers. org/2006/ world/sudan- 0914/index. html_ 
(http://www.workers. org/2006/ world/sudan- 0914/index. html) 

Articles by Columbia University Professor Mahmood Mamdani
"How Can We Name the Darfur Crisis: Preliminary Thought on Darfur"
_http://www.pambazuk a.org/en/ category/ features/ 24982_ 
(http://www.pambazuk a.org/en/ category/ features/ 24982) 
"The Politics of Naming: Genocide, Civil War, Insurgency"
_http://www.lrb. co.uk/v29/ n05/mamd01_ .html_ 
(http://www.lrb. co.uk/v29/ n05/mamd01_ .html) 

"U.S. Imperialists Increase Efforts to Recolonize Sudan"
by Natividad Carrera
_http://tinyurl. com/yok5xz_ (http://tinyurl. com/yok5xz) 
(quotes George Bush as saying The pervasive role played by the government of 
Sudan in Sudan's petroleum and petrochemical industries threatens U.S. 
national security and foreign policy interests)

"Darfur, Imperialist Intevention and Anti-Arab Hysteria"
by Eugene Puryear
_http://socialismand liberation. org/mag/index. php?aid=628_ 
(http://socialismand liberation. org/mag/index. php?aid=628) 

on African Holocaust . net
"Myths About the Arab Slave Trade"
by Owen ‘Alik Shahadah
_http://www.africanh olocaust. net/news_ ah/arabslavetrad e.htm#MYTHS_ 
(http://www.africanh olocaust. net/news_ ah/arabslavetrad e.htm#MYTHS) 
"Darfur Truth Report"
_http://www.africanh olocaust. net/news_ ah/darfur% 20report. html_ 
(http://www.africanh olocaust. net/news_ ah/darfur% 20report. html) 

"Thousands Protest in Darfur against Security Council Resolution for UN 
_http://www.un. org/apps/ news/story. asp?newsid= 19738&cr= sudan&cr1_ 
(http://www.un. org/apps/ news/story. asp?newsid= 19738&cr= sudan&cr1) =

Interview with Sudanese Compatriot Ismail Kamal
_http://newswire. indymedia. org/en/2006/ 05/839852. shtml_ 
(http://newswire. indymedia. org/en/2006/ 05/839852. shtml) 

"UN Peackeeping Paramilitarism"
by Steve Lendman
_http://sjlendman. blogspot. com/2007/ 02/un-peacekeepi ng-paramilitaris 
(http://sjlendman. blogspot. com/2007/ 02/un-peacekeepi ng-paramilitaris 

"While World Capitalists Spend Trillions on Wars, Hunger Kills 18,000 
Children Each Day"
by Hassan El-Najjar
_http://tinyurl. com/3cuhoz_ (http://tinyurl. com/3cuhoz) 

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