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  1.  IMAAN , Every Muslim should strive for perfect Imaan. 
             To have firm conviction that 
·         All success lies only in the hands of ALLAH alone 
·         The treasures of every thing is in the hands of ALLAH alone 
·         ALLAH is the creator and controller of all things and conditions 
ALLAH does every thing without the help of the entire creation, while the 
entire creation can do nothing without the help of ALLAH. 
The Kalima is the most excellent of all form of zikr 
A person who recites the kalima 100x daily, his face will be shining like the 
14th moon on the day of Qiamat 
Frequent recitation renews the Imaan.  It is the best of all good deeds.  
Continuous recitation leaves no sin unwashed. 
Nothing prevents this kalima from reaching ALLAH. 
Listen frequently to talks about the qualities of ALLAH 
Speak (give da'wat) many times (at least 25x) 
So with the awareness that ALLAH is the creator and controller of every thing. 
Think & ponder of the attributes of ALLAH. 
Only in following the sunnah of Nabi (SAW) is there success, any other 
lifestyle leads to failure in this life and in the hereafter. 
To revive a sunnah in the time of Fitnah & corruption, the reward is equal to 
that of 100 shuhadaa (martyrs) 
Give da'wat about the importance of sunnah Learn & practice daily sunnats 

2.  SALAAH , Salaah should be given preference over all matters. 
Our life outside salaah should be on the pattern of salaah. 
If our salaah is correct, then our whole lives will be corrected. 
The key to Jannah is through salaat 
Salaat makes our daily rizq (sustenance)  easy 
Give da'wat about the importance of salaah 
Invite towards salaah 
Perform long rakaats of nafl salaah 

3.  ZIKR , We should remember the Almighty with every breath we take 
Zikr polishes the heart; brings peace of mind & removes difficulties in this 
world & uplifts the punishment in the grave 
Learn & read mas noon dua's ...lstighfaar;   Durood on Nabie (SAW) & Third 
kalima 100x daily (moming&evening ). 

4.  IKRAAM , A Muslim should always be ready to assist a fellow Muslim at all 
A person who helps a muslim in need , ALLAH grants 73 favours to such person.1 
favour is sufficient to fulfill all his needs in this world & 72 is to raise 
his status in the hereafter. 
Make salaam; respect elders & ulama; treat juniors with kindness; visit the 
sick; attend janaza's & nikah & give good advi ce. 

5.  IKHLAAS, Anything we do, we do for Allah alone 
A person who gives a date only to please ALLAH, ALLAH will grant such person a 
mountain of reward, but if a person gives for name & fame, ALLAH will take them 
to task. 
To make intention & check during & after deeds that it is solely for the 
pleasure of ALLAH 

6.  DAWAH ILLAL-LAAH , Always show those around you the beauty of our deen. 
One morning or evening in the path of ALLAH is better than the whole world & 
whatever it contains.  A little while in the path of ALLAH is more in reward 
than making Ibadat the whole night near the Hajeraswad on Laylatul Qadr.  The 
smoke, let alone the fire of Jahannam is not allowed to touch that part of the 
body on which dust settles in the path of ALLAH 
To create in us the capacity to give our lives for the deen of ALLAH. 



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