Oh, so this is part of why Israel invaded Gaza.
--- On Tue, 1/27/09, Palestinian Network <pal...@sympatico.ca> wrote:
Note: Any agreement to allow Israel control of Gaza's gas is probably illegal 
under the terms of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits agreements 
between the Occupying Power and the occupied that give up the rights of those 
occupied.  Karin

Will Gaza ever get a whiff of its own offshore gas? 

By Stuart Littlewood*

21 May 2008

Stuart Littlewood considers Tony Blair’s efforts to put Israel in control of 
Gaza’s gas fields and thus achieve "'peace in our time' by raping Palestine of 
its treasures and resources."

Isn't Gaza's gas a home-grown source of energy of which the Palestinians should 
be in charge? 

Yes, but the way things are shaping it'll probably be stolen from them just 
like their lands, their homes and their precious water.

The Gaza marine gas field lies 25 to 30 kilometres off Gaza's shore. In 1999 
the BG Group obtained licences to Israeli offshore concessions, and shortly 
afterwards was awarded the Gaza licence, for a period of 25 years. BG holds 90 
per cent equity in the licence, but this could reduce to 60 per cent if the 
Consolidated Contractors Company (its current 10 per cent partner) and the 
Palestine Investment Fund exercise their options. 

In 2005, at the time of Israel's “disengagement” from the Gaza Strip, the 
Palestinians decided to drop plans to sell gas to Israel and talked with Egypt 
instead. The position changed again when Tony Blair, Israel's ever-faithful 
dogsbody and now the Quartet's special envoy to the Middle East, personally 
intervened on Israel's behalf. No-one is saying how much Egypt's EGAS was 
offering and there is speculation that Blair was sent in to persuade the 
Palestinians to accept a weaker Israeli bid. 

After talking with Michael Barron, BG’s policy and corporate affairs manager, I 
understand negotiations are suspended because gas prices and commercial terms 
cannot be agreed. In any case, there needs to be a change in Israel's gas law 
to enable the Israeli government to act as a seller in its own market, and the 
necessary procedural steps could take some time. Overarching issues on how 
funds flow back to Palestine and how they are used, also have to be addressed.

In the meantime the feasibility of supplying the Egyptian market is still being 

The Gaza gas field is estimated to hold 1 trillion cubic feet of gas worth some 
4 billion US dollars in revenue. It would take four years to bring on stream. 
With production at economically commercial levels, it is expected to last 15 
years and generate 2 billion US dollars in profit, half of this for the 
Palestinians. Israel would take an undisclosed percentage of the product, 
certainly much more that the Palestinians' requirement.

The plan is to pipe the gas from source direct to an on-shore terminal at 
Ashkelon in Israel. A separate pipe will run from the terminal to Gaza. BG will 
be the operator, with Israel providing a raft of assurances regarding 
uninterrupted supply to Gaza and the West Bank and uninterrupted flow of 
profits to the Palestinians.

Come again? BG is going to land Palestine’s one and only natural resource on 
Israeli territory for processing and distribution? The same Israel that's 
starving Gazans into submission, blitzing them in their prison-home and 
trashing their economy? The same Israel that continues to murder and imprison 
whomsoever it wishes and steal whatever it wants? The same Israel that has no 
regard for international law and human rights? The same Israel that has blocked 
the flow of Palestinian tax and customs revenues, humanitarian aid and hospital 
supplies? The same Israel that will not recognize Palestine or its democratic 

Have Palestinian negotiators taken leave of their senses or are they being 
subjected to coercive pressure, which would be grossly improper if it comes 
from an illegal occupier and its allies?

Nobody in the Middle East believes for a single moment that any assurance or 
guarantee by Israel is worth the paper it's written on, especially in this 
case, where Israel mounted a challenge to Palestine's right to own and control 
the gas field – and failed. So what's going on here? Is this another brilliant 
idea for achieving "peace in our time" by raping Palestine of its treasures and 

It is not difficult to see what might happen: Israel siphons off the gas in 
ever-increasing quantities while keeping the Palestinians in a state of 
bankruptcy and unable to use their share. Alternatively, they'll provoke a 
“security” alert and block the pipeline anytime it suits them as a collective 

Should the Palestinians be selling their gas in the first place? Isn't every 
cubic foot needed to fuel their economic recovery? And, after 60 years of 
occupation and ruination, won't that take more than 15 years? The Palestinians 
would forgo a 1 billion US dollar profit (assuming the money ever reached them) 
but they'd have gas for 50 years or more. 

Gaza itself should be reaping the unadulterated benefit and supplying the West 
Bank direct.

Unfortunately, an interim agreement signed in 1995 allowed the Israelis to 
weave a tangled web of security zoning in Gaza's coastal waters, leaving Israel 
in charge and dictating what happens off-shore and who comes and goes. Being 
“interim”, these maritime restrictions were not expected to last beyond 1999 
but are still in force. An early task for the international community – if it's 
serious about a just peace – is to untangle this sea blockade and restore to 
Palestine free and unfettered use of its territorial waters.

Meanwhile, Israel's elaborate “matrix of control”, designed to immobilize, 
strangle, hamstring and impoverish the Palestinians and make Israel's 
occupation permanent, extends far out to sea and prevents the people from 
exploiting their country’s resources in the normal way. The situation is in 
flagrant breach of international law, UN resolutions, human rights and every 
code of conduct in the book. But that’s nothing new. The international 
community doesn't care or is too yellow to act or its leaders have “taken the 
shekel” and are batting fro Israel – the brave victim surrounded by an evil 
Islamic and Arab-Christian menace.

As the Palestine Investment Conference opens in Bethlehem, the inevitable 
question is: will foreign investors seduced by Blair and his friends be 
investing in Palestine's future or Israel's? The purpose of the conference is 
to demonstrate "high-level political commitment from the Palestinian Authority 
to the investment-led growth of the Palestinian economy". 

But if the BG Group brings Gaza's gas ashore in Israel, what will the benefit 
be to Palestinians in terms of business contracts and job opportunities for 

Will they ever get a whiff of their own gas? If so, for how long before 
energy-hungry Israel turns it off and confiscates it?

*Stuart Littlewood is author of the book Radio Free Palestine, which tells the 
plight of the Palestinians under occupation. For further information please 
visit www.radiofreepalestine.co.uk.

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