
           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |alexanderemmanuelpacheco@gm
                   |                            |

--- Comment #15 from ---
Hi guys, found this page after several years of using this software.

This is just about the only bug, and a massive one, that I've had with this
software- and I'm pretty shocked to see it goes back to 2002?

To make sure I'm understanding correctly... 

- I have information in one cell I want to move to another, and replace the
contents of that original cell with some different information.

- I CTRL-X cut "Text", in Liberation Serif 14, from cell A4 and then
successfully CTRL-V paste it into cell A5.  "Text" now appears in A5, in
glorious Liberation Serif 14.  Great.  All my formatting and formulas carry
over, what a great piece of software this is.  

- I then enter new data into A4, "New text", hit enter- and WTF!?, it's entered
as a tiny, ugly, *Liberation Sans size 10*.  A font and size that exist nowhere
on my document.  I now need to manually fix that cell's font size and

So- cutting a cell completely removes all formatting from the cell and replaces
it with what?  A default font and size it deems appropriate?  Is this
changeable via templates or?

I use CTRL X/C/V constantly when making spreadsheets (as I'm sure many do) and
this is a nightmare.  I'm actively destroying my formatting while I work.

To be clear- this has nothing to do with file compatibility or feature parity
with any other product.  No software on earth works like this.  This is a bug.

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