I need to position texts and lines in determined positions (measured in
cms.). I have had a look on the page
<http://www.lowagie.com/iText/tutorial/ch01.html>  Margins Section, in
particular about how to convert from cms into points and, for instance, i
want to draw to horizontal lines one 2 cms. further than the other: 
2cm / 2.54 = 0.7874 inch
0.7874 * 72 = 57 points (56.6928)
            cb.moveTo(300, 700);
            cb.lineTo(400, 700);
            cb.moveTo(300, 700 + 56.69f);
            cb.lineTo(400, 700 56.69f);
I generate the PDF, print it and take a rule to measure the distance between
the two lines ... it measures less than 1.8 cm
What did i do wrong? And it's the same if i use an empty constructor for
Document or with parameters
If this has already been answered, please tell me more or less the data
Thanks a lot
P.S (Off Topic): In the page http://www.lowagie.com/iText/tutorial/ch01.html
<http://www.lowagie.com/iText/tutorial/ch01.html>  the link titled "page
<http://www.lowagie.com/iText/tutorial/firstpage> initialisations" 
( http://www.lowagie.com/iText/tutorial/firstpage
<http://www.lowagie.com/iText/tutorial/firstpage> ) doesn't work

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