o.k. so I figured it out, guess I have to just memorize the api :-)

basically I had to create ColumnText in the PdfTemplate

Here is a code snipet:

                Document pdf = new Document();

                try {
                        // define the size of our text box
                        float   tbWidth     = 216f; // 3 inches
                        float   tbHeight    = 144f; // 2 inches

                        // some text to fill the box
                        String  line        = "This is a long line of text to see 
if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps. "
                                                                + "This is a long line 
of text to see if it wraps.";

                        PdfWriter w = PdfWriter.getInstance(pdf, new 


                        PdfContentByte cb = w.getDirectContent();

                        PdfTemplate template = cb.createTemplate(tbWidth, tbHeight);

                        // put our text into a phrase
                        Font        font    = new Font(Font.COURIER, 12f, Font.NORMAL);
                        Phrase      p       = new Phrase(line, font);

                        // define our column text using the template as the Content 
                        ColumnText  ct      = new ColumnText(template);
                        ct.setSimpleColumn(p, 0, 0, tbWidth, tbHeight, 
font.leading(1), p.ALIGN_LEFT);

                        // place our text box in the very center of the page
                        float   x   = (pdf.getPageSize().width()-tbWidth)/2;
                        float   y   = (pdf.getPageSize().height()-tbHeight)/2;
                        cb.addTemplate(template, x, y);

                        // and in the lower left corner of the page just for fun
                        cb.addTemplate(template, 0, 0);
                catch(DocumentException de)
                catch(IOException ioe)


So, Is this the best way to do this? Has any one discovered another way 
to place wrapped text on the page?


On Friday, May 31, 2002, at 04:40  PM, Jason Essington wrote:

> Hi
> I am trying to figure out how to create a "text area" (say a box that 
> is 3"x2" in which text wraps) that I can place in an absolute position 
> on a page.
> I have discovered templates, but text added to a template just gets 
> clipped when it hits the edge of the template rather than wrapping.
> anyone have any Idea to do this?
> thanks


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