Matt's thread was about the xml metadata not the metadata that goes into the
Info dictionary. Use something like this:

PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("my original.pdf");
HashMap meta = reader.getInfo(); // the original metadata
PdfStamper stp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream("my
// change meta to suit your needs.
stp.setMoreInfo(meta); // check the javadoc! It's not a replacement.

Best Regards,
Paulo Soares

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kishore Subramanian [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 1:55
> Subject:      [iText-questions] Modifying Metadata
> Hi,
> Iam facing a problem where I need to modify the metadata (for instance,
> the "Keywords") of an existing PDF file without making any other
> modifications to this PDF file. I need to do this in Java. 
> I found the iText API very intuitive to set the meta data on a new PDF
> file. But I was not able to find a way to perform the same on an existing
> PDF file. I saw a thread in this mailing list (from Matt).
> Can someone pls explain how I can do this with iText (.97 version) ? Any
> help (sample code) will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks, 
> Kishore Subramanian 
> Agile Software 

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