----- Original Message -----
From: "Carsten Hammer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:57
Subject: [iText-questions] Re: how to generate pdf1.3 documents?

> I have a problem with some of the generated pdf files to print through a
> fiery rip. (Stack overflow because of offending command and so on..) The

It would be nice to know the full text of the error.

> fiery rip only knows pdf1.3. However the problematic files run well on
> acrobat4.0. But as the metadata of the pdf file itext generates claims
> to be pdf1.4 format my collegues think it might be something in the pdf
> file that is not allowed in pdf 1.3. Perhaps adobes acrobat4.0 is just
> more robust than fierys software. Another possibility is that I just
> discovered a bug (in the fiery pdf rip).

I wouldn't be surprised about that. Some rips are so broken that they don't
even accept TrueType fonts, others look at the version and give up if the
version number is greater than what they fully(?) support going against what
the standard says.

> Can I set the metadata information about the pdf version?  Would it be

Yes, with PdfWriter.setPdfVersion(PdfWriter.VERSION_1_3). Must be used
before opening the document.

> possible to extend itext that way that I set the pdf version in a writer
> object (or document object?) and then every method is extended to know
> the pdf version it conforms to - if I use a method that conforms to a
> higher pdf version an exception is thrown - ?

That would be too complicated as compliance would also have to be checked
for imported pages and iText is not a validating tool. I'm sure that your
problem is the rip and I'm also almost sure that your document will also
open correctly in Acrobat 3.

Best Regards,
Paulo Soares

> If this would be possible I could always make sure the written document
> is conform to a certain pdf version or is not written or in the case of
> pdf 1.4 it is always written.
> Best regards,
> Carsten Hammer

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