iTEXT USER wrote:
> it just adds a line between columns.
 > But the requirement here is to add border for all the
 > columns.

I don't see the problem.
Adapting the example to draw a rectangle instead of a line
shouldn't be that hard.

> I added the borders to PdfPtables , as a workaround, only on the
> sides of the table.

That's not a workaround I would use.

> But I have a new problem now. Even though i specify the gutter width
> as 0, i am getting space between columns I added. 

You may think that is a fact because you see it that
way on your PDF, but I'm 99% sure that multicolumntext
columns with a gutter equal to 0 actually has a gutter
equal to 0. What you are seeing is probably the side
effect of your workaround.

> Can you please tell me how to remove the gutter between the columns? 

No, because there is no gutter between the columns.

> Also is it possible to add bookmarks to document when we add a PdfPTable to
> MultiColumnText?

You can.

> If not, please give some suggestions to use any other suitable element for
> these two requirements.

I think you have started your project the wrong way.
If I were you, I would throw away the workaround,
and I'm sure it would make life easier if you also
switched from using MultiColumnText to ColumnText.


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