I wrote a while back asking some questions about adding various fields to an existing PDF. Since then, I've mostly solved the issue by: 1. Reading the existing PDF doc with PDFBox and detecting where I want to insert the various text and checkbox fields; then
2. Use iText to actually insert the fields.

Everything works perfectly for inserting text fields. However, RadioCheckBoxes are not being inserted. Once I calculate the location for a
text field I use the following to insert it:

private void addTextField( PdfStamper stamper, Rectangle rect, String name, int pagenumber ) throws DocumentException, IOException
log.debug("Creating Text Field at X = " + rect.getLeft() + " Y = " + rect.getRight() + " Width = " + rect.getWidth() + " Height = " + rect.getHeight());
      TextField field = new TextField(stamper.getWriter(), rect, name);
      field.setText("Field Page " + pagenumber);
      stamper.addAnnotation(field.getTextField(), pagenumber);

I couldn't find an example for setting a RadioCheckBox, so I'm using:

private void addCheckboxField( PdfStamper stamper, Rectangle rect, String name, int pagenumber ) throws DocumentException, IOException
log.debug("Creating Checkbox Field at X = " + rect.getLeft() + " Y = " + rect.getRight() + " Width = " + rect.getWidth() + " Height = " + rect.getHeight() + " Page = " + pagenumber); RadioCheckField field = new RadioCheckField(stamper.getWriter(), rect, name, "On");
      stamper.addAnnotation(field.getRadioField(), pagenumber);

Basically identical to the addTextField method. Just to verify I have the right coordinates for the rectangle, I have called the addTextField with the desired checkbox values, and it properly inserts a text field. I'm guessing I'm missing something in the addCheckboxField method. Some of the method calls are likely extraneous because I've been trying just about everything to make it work. Any suggestions?

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