Op 8/12/2010 22:33, dpreznik schreef:
> Dear experts,
> I am trying to use iTextSharp to extract images from pdf. Some images are
> extracted fine, but many are extracted as negatives of the original images.
Actually, they are not really negatives.
They are files with a mask (or they are the mask for another image).
For instance: if you add a PNG with transparency to a PDF file,
you can find two images inside the PDF: one without transparency
and another one that acts as the mask for this image (making it
transparent). Please read chapter 10 of the Second Edition of
"iText in Action" if you want to know more.

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miss an answer, or your further mails could be deleted (because
manually approving a single genuine mail between a boatload of
SPAM messages is boring and error-prone).

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