Op 8/10/2012 17:02, McGee, Edwin F. Sr. schreef:
> I would agree with those wishing to keep the mailing list open and 
> selectively responding/posting the questions which meet mailing list criteria.

I see many +1's for answers in favor of keeping the mailing list.

I'm an autist, and one of my limitations is that I can't stand an 
unanswered question (even if it's a rhetorical one). Maybe we should 
think of a pre-canned answer that isn't offensive. A 
one-answer-fits-many-questions solution for the questions that should be 
posted on another forum (such as stackoverflow).

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iText-questions mailing list

iText(R) is a registered trademark of 1T3XT BVBA.
Many questions posted to this list can (and will) be answered with a reference 
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