On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 09:36:50AM +0100, iText Info wrote:
> Op 29/01/2013 20:37, W. Trevor King schreef:
> > It would be nice if itext was versioned in Git (to make it
> > easier for me to maintain a patched version).  It would be even nicer
> > if there was an easy way to submit and browse issues/patches
> Nice suggestions, but those aren't the only 'needs' when maintaining a 
> project such as iText.

The latter seems to be a common need for open source software projects
in general.  With closed source software, well, there's nothing to
patch ;).  It's hard to see why you wouldn't want to enable a builtin
SF feature [1].

> In any case, we've applied your patch, it will be in the next release:
> http://sourceforge.net/p/itext/code/5666/

Wonderful, thanks :).


[1]: http://sourceforge.net/p/allura/tickets/

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