
We are working with your iText library to dynamically generate reports in
PDF. But we are stuck with a problem in which we need your urgent

We found that if we directly embed any SWF (Shockwave files generated by
Adobe Flash), it does not get printed when the SWF is not viewed at least
once. To elaborate, say we have a SWF embedded in the page 5; until or
unless we view page 5, there is a high chance that when printed, this area
will appear blank. If we view the page atleast once, no problem is found.

Our further research reveals that, SWF / Adobe Flash, in order to improve
memory consumption and CPU usage, forcefully pause the rendering/execution
of its SWF files inside an HTML, if it is beyond the active window or does
not have window focus. And activate them instantly  when it gets the focus.
There is an workaround to cancel this procedure, by setting an extra
attribute ('hasPriorty') to true when embedding SWF in HTML.

But unfortunately this attribute does not work inside PDF. It is a very
important feature for us; as our reports could be long and an user will
like to print all pages before viewing the entire document.

It will be great if you can suggest us some workaround, how can we make all
SWF always active in the generated PDF.

Thanks in Advance,
 Niladri Raychaudhuri
ActionScript Developer [image: FusionCharts]     Industry's leading
Charting Solution with over 19,000 customers
     Mobile: +91 72784 22137 | Phone: (+91 33) 4006 5684 | Fax: (+91 33)
4008 3391
Email: niladri...@fusioncharts.com | Web: www.fusioncharts.com
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