
I'm having trouble to line up my table header.  Please take a look at the line 
in gray background in the enclosed attachment.  The number 5, 3, and 1 are 
slightly higher than number 4 and 2.  Each cell of the header is created with a 
call to the following code.  For instance,  getHeaderCell("E 5") would create 
the E over 5 in the picture, while getHeaderCell(" 4") would create the empty 
space over 4.  I've also tried Element.align_bottom. It does line up exactly.

public PdfPCell getHeaderCell(String hdString) {
        PdfPTable table1 = new PdfPTable(1);
        if (hdString.startsWith(" ") ) table1.addCell(new Phrase(" ", NORMAL));
        String[] words = hdString.split(" ");
        for (int j=0; j<words.length; j++) {
            table1.addCell(new Phrase(words[j], NORMAL));
        PdfPCell hdCell = new PdfPCell(table1);
        return hdCell;

Thanks in advance,

<<attachment: itex.png>>

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