Op 4/02/2013 10:33, Falguni Patel schreef:


I have update file using itextsharp dll. File is edited but text not showing up. I have attach pdf file. It contain text "Address=MANINAGA" but can't see it.

Hmm... Personally I would never post a question like this on the mailing-list as it would prove the world that I didn't read the documentation before asking a question. But hey, maybe that's just me.

As for your question, please download chapter 6 of the book: http://www.manning.com/lowagie2/samplechapter6.pdf
Especially table 6.1 is interesting.

You (or your developer) is using PdfReader/PdfWriter/PdfImportedPage to add new content and to copy existing content on top of the new content, making the new content invisible (as was to be expected) and throwing away any interactivity. The documentation says you should use PdfReader/PdfStamper to stamp extra content on an existing PDF. As the existing content is opaque, you need to add the new content ON TOP OF the existing content, instead of UNDER it.

Message to all mailing-list subscribers:
I was informed that Falguni Patel sent this question to the consultancy department first. That department deals with all inquiries regarding professional services. These services aren't free. After being informed that sending a question to consultancy implies that you want to be invoiced for the help that is provided, Falguni Patel posted a question to the free mailing-list, but he didn't even bother to register. Somebody had to approve his question manually. This means that three different people spent time on a question that could have been avoided if Falguni Patel had read the documentation that is made available for free. You tell me: in which universe is this beneficial for an open source software project?
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