On 27/02/2013 21:06, adamec wrote:
> Hmmm, first of all - thanks for atttention :)
> I still quite donet understand. When I sign a pdf with iText by means of
> private key I provide (using PrivateKeySignature), I also create hash for
> document. Then, this hash is signed afterwards and alsdo attached to pdf.
> Am I missing something?

The problem is terminology.

You're describing something like this:

The method emptySignature creates a PDF where the digital signature 
consists of 000000000...00
When you open the resulting PDF, it will say it contains a signature, 
but the signature is invalid (obviously because it consists of zeros).

Then you use the method createSignature. This takes the PDF previously 
created and feeds the hash to your own signature implementation. This 
method replaces the "blank signature" with an actual signature.

You're referring to a detached signature in the context of PKCS#1.

The name 'detached signature' has two different meanings.

Meaning 1:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detached_signature : A detached signature 
is a type of digital signature that is kept separate from its signed 
data, as opposed to bundled together into a single file.

Meaning 2:
The PDF spec talks about different sub filters used to store digital 
signatures. The 'detached' sub filters refer to signatures that are part 
of the PDF document, but they are more or less self-contained in the 
sense that Certificates and the revocation info (if available) are 
stored in the signature itself as opposed to in the signature dictionary.

The way you initially phrased your question, it sounded as you referred 
to meaning 1 which revealed a lack of understanding of PDF signatures. 
Furthermore your question didn't make sense as detached signatures use 
either PKCS#7 or CAdES. The use of pure PKCS#1 signatures is forbidden 
according to PAdES and discouraged according to ISO-32000.

I hope this clarifies the confusion. I didn't answer your question 
initially because some people seem to really hate me when I tell them 
their question doesn't make sense (no good deed goes unpunished), so I 
decided to wait for some other responses first ;-)

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