The encoding has nothing to do with the way the fonts are displayed.
All the encoding used in iText allow for text extraction, maybe the
problem is in the viewer (if it's not Acrobat). I suppose you are
using a recent iText version and not simulating bold and embedding the
fonts. The usual advice is to post the problematic PDFs for
inspection, that is, if you want some kind of informed answer.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 5:18 PM, "Matthias Bühlmann" <> wrote:
> I have a problem with the PDF's I generate using iText.
> If I use BaseFont.WINANSI Encoding, then the fonts appear too bold in the
> generated PDF. If i use BaseFont.IDENTITY_H encoding, then the fonts look
> right in the PDF viewer, but when I select text and want to copy paste it, I
> get only square boxes in any application I paste the text into (copy pasting
> works fine with WINANSI encoding).
> How can I solve that? make fonts not look too bold but still be able to copy
> paste text out of the generated PDF?
> Thanks
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