when a paragah gets moved to a new page by setKeepTogether(true),
I need to put "Continuation of ..." at the *top* of the new page.

Link [0] shows a smal sample which I like to generate.
The Example has a smal 3 liner as introduction, then a huge paragraph that
gets moved by setKeppToether().

The only *ugly workaround* I came up with, is to wrap all into a PdfPTable.
Then, when the table got split, I use the Header row magic to put
"Continuation of..." at the top. Funny, right? :)

I've uploaded the source of this table hack to github [1] and asked for a
better solution at stackoverflow [2].

In another post [3], someone suggested me to use the PageEvent as well. The
problem with his approach is, that I need to put the "Continuation of..."
inside of the top margin. That is not an valid option.

Any ideas for a more beatiful solition?

Best Regards,




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