1. You aren't subscribed to the mailing-list. Your question had to be approved manually. We'll do this once, but possible not twice. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV4dzXDRzJE to find out why (it's a practical reason, not a personal one). 2. It isn't clear what you mean when you write "get the location of the PDF." That sounds like you're looking for a file path (and obviously, we can't help you with that). In your clarification, you say you want to add an image at a "particular location" in the PDF. "Particular location" implies that you have the coordinates, which makes adding the image using PdfStamper a no-brainer, but then you start talking about the XSLT format (which isn't a document format), and at that point, you've completely lost us. We have no idea what your question is about.

On 4/2/2014 11:43 AM, Sanket Modi wrote:

Hello there,

Greetings !

I am using the itextSharp for my application since long time. Recently i am facing a problem related to get the location of the PDF.

In the little more detail, I want to add an Image on a particular location in the in the PDF document. I am generating the PDF from the XSLT format. I have did a lot of Rnd on the topic from your site as well as different internet articles but could not get particular help.

So can you please give me some idea related to my problem or clear my doubts if am assuming something wrong.

Please feel free to ask for any question

Thanks & Regards,
Sanket Modi
Developer - Microsoft Technology.


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