You don’t need to take care of the other classes, just run the Main method
of the PdfGenerator class.


But don’t worry, I’ll try to find what is happening by myself. I understand
that include the itextpdf5.3.2 as referenced library, the ARIALUNI.ttf in
the src and run the main takes too much time, and time is money.


Thanks, I have always received the same kind of answers.



From: iText mailing list [] 
Sent: miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014 11:58
To: Post all your questions about iText here
Subject: Re: [iText-questions] Problem with remaining space


On 5/28/2014 11:24 AM, Aritz wrote:

Hope you can help me, because I don’t understand why it works in some cases.

I opened the ZIP-file and I saw that your code contains plenty of things
that is irrelevant to the question. Use Occam's Razor to simplify your
You are asking me to spend time for free on your problem. You will get that
time if you respect my terms. All I need is a single Java file that shows
the table problem. Your example involves an ImageProvider, a Base64Decoder,
HTML,... That clutters the view on the actual problem.

Time is money. Stop wasting it! Get your web API in 5 minutes.
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