On 6/4/2014 1:16 AM, minsu wrote:
> I have a page dictionary and i want to know the page number of the page(eg.
> 2nd page in this pdf). How can i do that. I tried to get a Simplebookmark of
> the reader, but get null.

The concept of page numbers doesn't exist in PDF. The number of the page 
is *calculated* based on the occurrence of (the reference to) the page 
dictionary in the page tree. If you have a page dictionary, you need to 
know it's position in the page tree. You'll discover that a page 
dictionary has a Parent entry. This parent entry refers to a /Pages 
dictionary. This /Pages dictionary can either be the root of the page 
tree or a child of another /Pages dictionary. Read "The ABC of PDF with 
iText" for more info: https://leanpub.com/itext_pdfabc (this book is 
under construction).

The page number that is visible to humans on the actual rendered page is 
just a couple of glyphs rendered at an arbitrary coordinate on a canvas. 
You can't easily extract the page number from the content stream of a page.

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