On 9/8/2014 7:27 AM, Kamarti Maridi Babu (kamartimaridi_b...@infosys.com) wrote:

I need the help. My requirement is this. I have byte[] array of PDF data with me.

1) I need to convert the byte[] data to PDF.

If you have byte[] pdfbytes, then you can read them like this:

PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdfbytes);

2) Add the Anchor tags in the PDF and convert back to PDF again.

If you have a reader object and an OutputStream os (this could be a FileOutputStream, a ByteArrayOutputStream, etc), you can create a new PDF like this:

PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, os);
// do stuff

Where it says "// do stuff", you can stamp extra content, add annotations, etc...

You want to add "Anchor tags." I have no idea what anchor tags are. If I had to guess, I would doubt between "adding named destinations" and "add Link annotations". These are two completely different things.

Infosys is an integrator that is already using iText in a number of projects. It is not clear if you have a commercial license / support contract for the project you're working on. I'm forwarding this to our sales representative in Asia (based in Singapore).
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