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As a result, all mail you send to the mailing-list has to be accepted manually. Many genuine questions get lost in that process, because they are buried in SPAM.

If you post further questions without being subscribed, DON'T BE SURPRISED IF NOBODY ANSWERS. Chances are that your mail got lost.

This being said: your question can't be answered without seeing the PDF.

If you can't share that PDF, please watch this video: Maybe you can use RUPS to examine if one of the problems explained in the video applies to your PDF.

Also: the quality of the output largely depends on the version of iText(Sharp). The more recent the version, the more accurate the output.

On 10/29/2014 23:04 PM, Adesh Nayak wrote:
Hi Team,

Need some help. I was using below code (C#) to read some text from a PDF file. I am looking to read a numeric value from the PDF which is rendered in English, but when I use below code, it returns some Unicode characters to me. Please let me know how to fix these kind of issues. I am using iText for the first time today.

StringBuildertext = newStringBuilder();

text.Append(PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(reader, 3));




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