01:23:10 up 3 days, 13:28,..

with these exeptions:
i2c_adapter i2c-3: sendbytes: error - bailout.
msp3400 3-0040: I/O error #0 (read 0x10/0x200)
ivtv1 warning: CX2341X_DEC_GET_TIMING_INFO took 39
jiffies (300 per HZ)
ivtv1 warning: IVTV_IOC_DEC_FLUSH is obsolete!
NO hangups!

19:  107483889   IO-APIC-fasteoi   ohci1394, ivtv1
20:    6869535   IO-APIC-fasteoi   ivtv0, nvidia

Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 252, IRQ 20
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 252, IRQ 19
01:07.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext
Compression Inc iTVC16
(CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)
01:09.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext
Compression Inc iTVC15
MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)

/sbin/setpci -v -s 01:07.0 latency_timer=ff
/sbin/setpci -v -s 01:09.0 latency_timer=ff


300 Hz is a good compromise choice allowing server
                 while also showing good interactive
responsiveness even
                                 on SMP and NUMA
systems and exactly
dividing by both PAL and                            
NTSC frame rates
for video and multimedia work.

proposal for more latency tuning, like:
parm: ivtv_pci_latency:Change the PCI latency to 64 if
lower: 0 = No, 1
= Yes, 2 = Max(255)
Default: Yes (int)
or even more:
0 = No = 32
1 = Yes = 64
2 = Hihg = 128
3 = Max = 255/252/248

ivtv ivtv_pci_latency=Max
ivtv ivtv_pci_latency=High,Max(150,350)
..something like that

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