On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 08:15:06AM -0500, Larry wrote:
> Larry wrote:
> > When I fired up my first show I noticed that the audio was playing to
> > fast.  I started checking and its only on recordings since I did the
> > upgrade as all my older stuff was fine.

> > I'm getting this in my logs :
> > 
> > ivtv0: All encoder MPEG stream buffers are full. Dropping data.
> > ivtv0: Cause: the application is not reading fast enough.
> > ivtv0: Stereo mode changed
> > ivtv0 warning: IVTV_IOC_DEC_FLUSH is obsolete!
> > ivtv0: Stereo mode changed
> > ivtv0 warning: IVTV_IOC_DEC_FLUSH is obsolete!
> > ivtv0: Stereo mode changed
> > ivtv0 warning: IVTV_IOC_DEC_FLUSH is obsolete!
> > ivtv0: Stereo mode changed
> > ivtv0 warning: IVTV_IOC_DEC_FLUSH is obsolete!
> > ivtv0: Stereo mode changed

> The fix was to downgrade the video4linux-kmdl to a previous version.
> I took it a little farther and went back to a previous kernel, but I'm
> told that simply doing the below should get you back up and running
> should you run into this.
> # rpm -e video4linux-kmdl-`uname -r`.fc6-20070302-78.fc6.at
> # rpm -ivh video4linux-kmdl-`uname -r`.fc6-20061107-77.fc6.at.i686.rpm

Thanks for the follow-up. video4linux wasn't really supposed to be a
requirement for ivtv, but the issues are that the kernel rpm stopped
shipping some required helper modules or shipped some with bugs.

video4linux "happens" to contain a copy of these modules, so that's
why it saves the day.

But the recent video4linux also contains the ivtv code that was
submitted for kernel inclusion and is not 100% compatible to the
previous ivtv code, applications have yet to be adjusted to the new
ivtv code.

So, you are basically looking at two bugs simultaneously. :/

The good news is that the newer kernel rpms started shipping the
helper modules again, so you don't need video4linux. Unless you have
troubles with cx88-dvb, which is another story, in that case the
*recent* video4linux comes to rescue ... :)

So currently depending on what hardware and kernel you run you may
need the old or the new video4linux package or none at all.

I should probably create a video4linux package w/o the ivtv bits. That
should solve all issues.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net

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