Hello Albert,

is it possible that you retrieve when building project B the dependencies of 
project A because the fileset did not get overwritten ?

you might want to try to reproduce your problem on a small number of 
subprojects, for instance 2.

You can run ant with the -debug option, maybe you will understand better what 
is going on.

If you do not find, try sending in your email some gists of your build files 
and ivy files and ivy settings files and then someone will figure that out.

Have a nice day,


On Jan 13, 2015, at 10:07 PM, Albert Liu <a...@centricsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I'm a new Ivy user, and so far, it's been way better than managing 
> dependencies by hand.
> I've got a pile of subprojects that have individual build.xml and ivy.xml 
> files, and a Master build which runs each subproject build sequentially, and 
> also defines ant targets.
> My current problem is that some of my subprojects don't have ivy 
> dependencies.  However, I run ivy:retrieve against them anyway, with an empty 
> <dependencies> tag.
> I would expect that ivy would just build an empty fileset.  However, the 
> fileset I get back includes every dependency in the ivy cache.  How would I 
> go about getting the expected behavior?
> I tried looking at the docs, but there doesn't seem to be anything that 
> mentions this case.
> Albert

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