On Mar 23, 2015 4:29 PM, "Marc De Boeck" <mdeb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's an interesting problem to investigate, and I understand your
> frustration. But since we don't have exactly the same setup as you, it's
> not evident to tell exactly what the problem is and how you can solve it.
> We also have an environment with a local and a central repo, but we don't
> use the checkmodified attribute.  If it would work, it is indeed a good
> idea to setup such a resolver chain with SNAPSHOT builds for the
> In our case (without checkmodified=true) the detection of changes in both
> local and central repo works correctly for us.
> Now, I can only search with you in the docs hoping to find a missing
> setting (if it's not an actual bug as you suggested).
> I suppose that the publication date of the ivy.xml that you published in
> your local repo is more recent than the one in your cache ? Did you also
> try setting the "changing" attribute directly in the dependency itself
> (allthough I expect the behaviour will be similar).
> Could you try a setup where you only publish and resolve from the local
> repo (so not chained with your Nexus) ?

The issue is that publication date is not correctly detected for pom.xml
files, generally.

> You also wrote that latest.integration is a non-starter for you ? So could
> you describe how you specify your dependencies ? If you specify an exact
> revision in your dependency (like rev="1.0.0-SNAPSHOT), then maybe you
> could also try to set the attribute "alwaysCheckExactRevision" in the
> settings of your resolver.
> Regards,
> Marc
> 2015-03-23 17:33 GMT+01:00 Loren Kratzke <lkrat...@blueorigin.com>:
> > I am not getting the results that you describe. I am testing with a
> > project that publishes a text file with the current date and time so it
> > very easy to see when I get a fresh or stale artifact. When I run using
> > configuration below, I get the following results when I publish my
> > dependency and then consume it in the downstream project:
> >
> > [pub nexus] [get nexus] good
> > [pub nexus] [get nexus] good
> > [pub local] [get cached nexus artifact] bad
> > [pub nexus] [get cached nexus artfiact] bad
> >
> > So as the first two tests indicate, I can get the latest snapshot from
> > Nexus. That will work well for the integration server if we leave the
> > repo out.
> >
> > But as the 3rd and 4th tests indicate, if  I do a local publish then
> > everything goes to hell. I do not get my local artifact, I get the
> > artifact. And if I publish to Nexus again, I still get the cached
> > In fact I get the cached artifact forever after a local publish no
> > what gets published or where.
> >
> > That can't be desired behavior. There has to be a bug here somewhere,
> > I would be most happy with a work around. This behavior was witnessed
> > I debugged. It would find a local artifact, check its cache to find an
> > file that points at Nexus, and ultimately return a stale Nexus artifact
> > from the cache.
> >
> > My setup is very simple - One Nexus repository and one local repository.
> > Nothing fancy here. I have tried every combination of "checkmodified",
> > "changingPattern", and "force" that the configuration can tolerate
> > it quacking a fur ball back at me but I cannot seem to get the desired
> > behavior. Please find the err in my ways and show me where I have
> > off the ranch.
> >
> > I thought I had this working - once - and I changed something and can't
> > seem to get it back. I thought I had it working as you described where
> > would pick up the snapshots, then it would pick up my local artifact,
> > it would always deliver the local artifact if present until the local
> > was torched. That behavior is ok with me if I could get it back.
> >
> > Here is my settings.xml
> >
> > <ivysettings>
> >     <caches defaultCacheDir="${user.home}/.ivy2/cache"/>
> >     <settings defaultResolver="chain"/>
> >     <credentials host="nexus.mycompany.com" realm="Sonatype Nexus
> > Repository Manager" username="name" passwd="pass"/>
> >
> >     <property name="m2pattern"
> >
> >     <property name="internal.repo.dir" value="${user.home}/.ivy2/m2"/>
> >     <property name="mycompany.repo.url" value="
> > http://nexus.mycompany.com:8081/nexus/content/repositories"/>
> >
> >     <resolvers>
> >         <filesystem name="internal" force="true" checkmodified="true"
> > changingPattern=".*">
> >             <ivy
> > pattern="${internal.repo.dir}/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml" />
> >             <artifact pattern="${internal.repo.dir}/${m2pattern}" />
> >         </filesystem>
> >
> >         <url name="nexus-snapshots-noplatform" m2compatible="true"
> > checkmodified="true" changingPattern=".*">
> >             <artifact
> > pattern="${mycompany.repo.url}/snapshots/${m2pattern}" />
> >         </url>
> >
> >         <chain name="chain" checkmodified="true">
> >             <resolver ref="internal"/>
> >             <resolver ref="nexus-snapshots-noplatform"/>
> >         </chain>
> >     </resolvers>
> >
> > </ivysettings>
> >
> > L.K.
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Zac Jacobson [mailto:pie....@gmail.com]
> > Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2015 6:07 PM
> > To: ivy-user@ant.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: cache busting and integration question
> >
> > If you set your resolver’s checkmodified flag to true, it will verify
> > timestamp of the published artifact and pull down a more recent version
> > the repo is newer than the cache. I’ve found that if you have chained
> > resolvers, you need to do this at the top level and it affects all
> > not just your snapshot repository.
> >
> > Also, if you set the force attribute for your local resolver, it will
> > always take a version from there rather than going to other resolvers in
> > the chain. Once you’ve got changes published to your snapshot or release
> > repo, you’ll want to clean that artifact out of your local repo.
> >
> >
> > <
> >
> > >
> > > On Mar 20, 2015, at 15:12, Loren Kratzke <lkrat...@blueorigin.com>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > I am encountering challenges with the Ivy cache and also with setting
> > what I would consider to be a typical (if not classic) developer
> > Here is the desired workflow:
> > >
> > > I have a Nexus repository (releases and snapshots) plus a local file
> > system repository used for local development. I have Project which
> > upon Library. I wish to modify Library, publish locally, and then pull
> > into the local build of Project.
> > >
> > > And for my Jenkins "continuous" integration server, if the copy of
> > Library-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in Nexus is newer than what is in the cache on
> > build machine, then I would like Ivy to grab the newer version (just
> > Maven does).
> > >
> > > ISSUE #1
> > >
> > > Assuming I start with an empty cache and empty internal repo on my
> > dev machine, I build Project and it pulls Library from Nexus. Perfect.
> > Works great. But then if I publish Library locally and build Project
> > I will get the cached version of Library that came from Nexus. No matter
> > what I do, I will always get the cached copy. This happens even though
> > chain resolver specifies my internal repo before the Nexus repo.
> > >
> > > If I blow away the cache, then I get my locally published build, but
> > only if I blow away the cache. Otherwise I get stale stuff. Issue #2
> > is all about stale stuff.
> > >
> > > I debugged Ivy (for hours upon hours) and during the resolve, it
> > my internal repo, finds the fresh artifact (yay!) and the next thing it
> > does is checks its cache, finds a module descriptor that points at
> > and proceeds to pull in the wrong artifact into Project.
> > >
> > > The behavior is either a bug, or implies that Ivy assumes that an
> > artifact can only come from one place, and if it came from there once,
> > will come from there forever, and will never change. Again, Ivy finds
> > artifact in local repo, stops searching, then ends up delivering the
> > artifact that came from Nexus sometime earlier.
> > >
> > > ISSUE #2
> > >
> > > I have been working on this problem for quite some time and I thought
> > had it fixed, but I don't. That is, my integration server needs the
> > snapshot build of Library-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. But what I get is the cached
> > version from the Ivy cache. An SVN commit happens, triggers a build of
> > Library, Library get published, triggers a build of Project, and a stale
> > build of Library is delivered to Project from the cache (which breaks
> > Project build).
> > >
> > >
> > > Ivy will resolve and cache deps, but once a dep is in the cache,
> > what I get forever until I blow away the cache. I see this question
> > quite often regarding obtaining latest integration versions, and I see
> > Ivy claims to support the local development workflow, but I have yet to
> > a working example of either of these. Surely some of you have solved
> > issues.
> > >
> > > Is there any place anywhere in the world that has an example of
> > development workflow configuration and/or integration configuration? Can
> > anybody provide an example? So far I have not found anything, and
advice on
> > the net seems to be general suggestions like "try this, try that" and
> > nobody really has the configuration solution. Is Ivy capable of these
> > behaviors or do I need to hand roll a dependency management solution.
> > is too strict for these projects (C++ code). Ivy is good if I can just
> > obtain these fundamental behaviors.
> > >
> > > Note that I have not provided any configs in this message that
> > demonstrate the issues I am having but definitely can upon request.
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > >
> > > L.K.
> > >
> >
> >

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