Dne 22.3.2012 11:38, Tomasz Sterna napsal(a):
Dnia 2012-03-22, czw o godzinie 10:45 +0100, Marek Červenka pisze:
what will be the final state?

everything on github?
everything on github except launchpad for bugs?
This is an open question.
I quite like launchpad and have close to zero experience with GitHub
bugtracker. Is it any good?

i dont know :(
i vote for github because for users will be very disapointing switch to other system for feature requests/bugs

what will be the primary website (google indexing and marketing)?
GitHub Organization page, as explained at http://pages.github.com/

But we have yet to find someone to create a page and then migrate the
content of the Wiki.

this means that we need new shining logo for jabberd2 too ... ;)

offered you www.jabberd2.org domain.
Thank you very much. We can move it to GitHub page once it's there.

ok. no problem

Marek Cervenka

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