Hello everyone,

To use jabberd2 with my pre-existing contacts database, I started
writing a roster module with customisable MySQL requests (I mailed this
list a while back about it, but I just started actual work). It uses
prepared statements, and config file looks like :

<user_loaditems>SELECT `jid`, `name`, `to`, `from`, `ask`, `object-sequence` FROM `roster-items` WHERE `collection-owner` = CONCAT(?1,'@',?2)</user_loaditems> <!-- ?1:node ?2:domain --> <contact_set>UPDATE `roster-items` SET `name`=?4, `to`=?5, `from`=?6, `ask`=?7 WHERE `collection-owner`=CONCAT(?1,'@',?2) AND `jid`=?3 </contact_set>

(I'm not yet at ease with GIT and Github, but I think you can see
 the code here : https://github.com/Gugli/jabberd2 )

My module does not rely on the storage facilities anymore. And it's
still work in progress.

I would gladly take any input/feedbacks on this.

I have some questions, thanks in advance for any help :

- In order to make simpler custom databases, I wanted to remove the
"pkt->type == pkt_S10N_UN" / "item->ask == 2" mechanism. According to a
comment "there is no ask='unsubscribe' in RFC bis anymore ". Would
anyone advise against it ?

- something that seems weird to me : I was expecting item->ver to be
incremented each time the item is updated (for example in _roster_save_item),
but couldn't find such code. It there something I don't grasp ?

- Also, in order to minimise database requests, I've rewritten the
groups update loop in _rostercustom_set_item, and removed the groups
update in _rostercustom_save_item. My code matches groups as possible,
minimizing mallocs and frees. I thought it would be good to do the same
thing in the regular roster, but I couldn't find a way to remove a
specific os_object_t. Is there a way to do that ?
Anyway here's what the code could look like, with TODOs :

    elem = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, elem, NAD_ENS(pkt->nad, elem), "group", 1);
    elemindex = 0;
    while(elem >= 0)
      /* empty group tags get skipped */
      if(NAD_CDATA_L(pkt->nad, elem) >= 0)
        if(item->groups && item->ngroups > elemindex )
          // enough room in the array
                  // check if the group is already here
          for(i = elemindex; i < item->ngroups; i++)
            if( strncmp(NAD_CDATA(pkt->nad, elem), item->groups[i], 
NAD_CDATA_L(pkt->nad, elem) ) == 0 )
                  if(i < item->ngroups)
            // the group exist in the array, we swap and do nothing more
            tempswapstr = item->groups[i];
            item->groups[i] = item->groups[elemindex];
            item->groups[elemindex] = tempswapstr;
                           // TODO : remove group item->groups[elemindex] from 
                      item->groups[elemindex] = (const char *) realloc( 
(void*)item->groups[elemindex], sizeof(char) * (NAD_CDATA_L(pkt->nad, elem) + 1));
            sprintf((char *)(item->groups[elemindex]), "%.*s", 
NAD_CDATA_L(pkt->nad, elem), NAD_CDATA(pkt->nad, elem));
            // TODO : add group  item->groups[elemindex] to Storage
          // makes room
          item->groups = (const char **) realloc(item->groups, sizeof(char *) * 
(item->ngroups + 1));
          // copy the group name
          item->groups[elemindex] = (const char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 
(NAD_CDATA_L(pkt->nad, elem) + 1));
          sprintf((char *)(item->groups[elemindex]), "%.*s", NAD_CDATA_L(pkt->nad, 
elem), NAD_CDATA(pkt->nad, elem));
          // TODO : add group item->groups[elemindex] to Storage
      elem = nad_find_elem(pkt->nad, elem, NAD_ENS(pkt->nad, elem), "group", 0);
        /* free the old groups */
    if(item->ngroups > elemindex)
      for(i = elemindex; i < item->ngroups; i++)
        // TODO : remove group item->groups[i] from Storage
             if(elemindex == 0)
        item->groups = 0;
        item->groups = (const char **) realloc(item->groups, sizeof(char *) * 
    item->ngroups = elemindex;
Sylvain "Gugli" Guglielmi

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