Welcome back, bernd :)

Bernd Kreimeier wrote:
> CVS checkout as of today (btw., Chris, whatever became
> of the JavaCVS distribution you wanted to wrap up...
> 2 months ago? 3 months?).

i'm lame.  i have no time. *sigh*

> Question is, is this the way it's supposed to be?
> I am not up to date on your code base.

you aren't?  please update before sending bug reports...

> The three net
> FAILures are due to UnknownHostException: www.hungry.com,
> and perfectly reasonable. The other stuff...
> I tried my "static" test - it is still different from
> JDK, and it is simply not right. Japhar fails to execute
> the static {} block in StaticSub.class, consequently
> the instance variable initialized in StaticSuper.class
> is not set to a Sub.class object (it remains a Super.class
> object).

I thought I actually responded to you about your static test relying on
behavior that's undefined in the JLS.  I can't remember the exact text
of my response, and don't have a copy :(

> No cigar. For me, it's back to OpenGroup's JDK (hmmm,
> maybe JDK 1.1.6v5 has fixed the UTF segfaults by now...
> and then there looms 1.1.7 with native threads, and maybe
> a new Kaffe... maybe I should do some code instead of
> testing).

by all means, use what works.

> P.S.: whatever became of jni.exp and the JNI test sceletons?

i think they're there, but they have "problems". i don't understand tcl
enough to fix them, either.


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