Petter Reinholdtsen writes:
 > [Edward Ribeiro]
 > > The idea of a portable Java interpreter seens to be very good, but
 > > what kind of application will have advantage with a embedded JVM?

Weird question to begin with. The "java" VM binary, no?

 > Well, currently, I know of two.  Mozilla/Netscape and Quake II.
 > Someone is making the last one to use JVM to control the computer
 > players and environment, I beleave. It took a while to
get this working (finally with with Blackdown JDK 1.1.7v1a-native). 
Barry also got 0.91 working with Kaffe just recently.

Nihilistic Software's upcoming "Vampire: The Masquerade" will
use an embedded VM for game logic/scripting as well - for
Windows only, but so far they use JDK+JNI.

If Invocation and embedded JVM had worked with Linux dynamic
DLL loading mid 1998, id Software's imminent Quake3: Arena
(also supposed to ship as a commercial product for Mac and 
Linux) would have used Java instead of LCC and a virtual RISC 
VM. Well, maybe next time.

Curious: is there any contact between Cygnus and Japhar?
Especially with respect to Per Bothner's "native++" and
the libjava  developed for the gjavac front? As in: an 
EXTension for Japhar that provides a C++ specific/fast
native code interface? In addition to JNI, which does
not have C++ bindings, just a few inlined conveniences.


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