"Aaron M. Renn" wrote:

> Couple things:
> -- Seems faster to me

Very cool.

> -- Works with Classpath

Even cooler :)

> -- When compiling, I type make, then make install.  make seems to make
> everything, but make install rebuilds a number of source files for some
> reasons.  (class.c and system.c are in there I think.  I didn't log it).
> Any ideas why this is?  It leaves lots of root owned objs in my
> directory I'd rather not have.

Yeah, I just noticed this recently too, except for me it was happening in
libjvmdi.  strange.  maybe something to do with the change I made to
ltconfig?  that's really the only build change I made (other than touching
some Makefile.am's...)  I'll take a look today.

> -- Why is japhar no longer using GNU getopt?  This causes unexpected
> option parsing behavior.  For example: japhar --classpath foo:bar:baz
> is not allowed.  The --classpath=foo:bar:baz style is required.  Also
> GNU getopt allows a single - for long options where they don't
> conflict with short ones (if you use it right).  This would make
> -classpath foo:bar:baz work and give you commandline compatibility
> with the Sun java interpreter.

Mainly just because the command line parsing has been split into two places
-- most of it is actually done in JNI_CreateJavaVM, with main() doing
little more than adding the command line options to the VMCreateArgs (or
whatever that structure is called :)

This is the first I've heard of any incompatibilities -- I'll fix it


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