Hi all,

I am trying to get the surveyservlet to run and nothing appears to happen.
Theses servlets run okay - simpleservlet, snoopservlet, and sessionservlet
I think it is some kind of configurstion problem, but not sure. I included
the html I am
using, zone.properties init file, the actual request log and the
initialization log.

Any clues would be appreciated.


#### html stuff ####




<form action="http://b.b.b.b/servlettest/SurveyServlet" method="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="survey" value="Survey01Results"><p><br>
  How Many Employees in your Company?<br>
  1-100<input type="radio" name="employee" value="1-100"> <br>
  100-200<input type="radio" name="employee" value="100-200"> <br>
  200-300<input type="radio" name="employee" value="200-300"> <br>
  300-400<input type="radio" name="employee" value="300-400"> <br>
  500-more<input type="radio" name="employee" value="500-more"> <br>
  General Comments?<br>
  <input type="text" name="comment" size="20"> <br>
  What IDEs do you use?<br>
  JavaWorkShop<input type="checkbox" name="ide" value="JavaWorkShop"> <br>
  J++<input type="checkbox" name="ide" value="J++"> <br>
  Cafe'<input type="checkbox" name="ide" value="Cafe'"> <br>
  <input type="submit"><input type="reset"> </p>

#### zones.properties file


#### request log #####

[03/03/1999 09:19:28:976 EST] Initializing servlet request
[03/03/1999 09:19:28:976 EST] Reading request data
[03/03/1999 09:19:28:997 EST] Will read 10 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:28:997 EST] Read: SLocalHost
[03/03/1999 09:19:28:997 EST] Hostname: LocalHost
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:357 EST] Will read 19 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:357 EST] Read: Croot       SurveyServlet
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:357 EST] Servlet Zone: root Servlet: SurveyServlet
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:437 EST] Will read 18 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:437 EST] Read: ECONTENT_LENGTH     62
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:437 EST] Env: CONTENT_LENGTH=62
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:537 EST] Will read 47 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:537 EST] Read: ECONTENT_TYPE
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:537 EST] Env:
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:617 EST] Will read 19 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:617 EST] Read: EDOCUMENT_ROOT      Temp
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:617 EST] Env: DOCUMENT_ROOT=Temp
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:708 EST] Will read 20 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:708 EST] Read: EREQUEST_METHOD     POST
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:708 EST] Env: REQUEST_METHOD=POST
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:778 EST] Will read 26 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:778 EST] Read: EREMOTE_ADDR
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:778 EST] Env: REMOTE_ADDR=
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:858 EST] Will read 34 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:858 EST] Read: EREMOTE_HOST        a.b.c.d
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:858 EST] Env: REMOTE_HOST=a.b.c.d
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:948 EST] Will read 26 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:948 EST] Read: ESCRIPT_NAME        SurveyServlet
[03/03/1999 09:19:29:948 EST] Env: SCRIPT_NAME=SurveyServlet
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:038 EST] Will read 33 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:038 EST] Read: ESERVER_NAME        b.b.b.b
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:038 EST] Env: SERVER_NAME=b.b.b.b
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:188 EST] Will read 15 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:188 EST] Read: ESERVER_PORT        80
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:188 EST] Env: SERVER_PORT=80
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:268 EST] Will read 25 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:268 EST] Read: ESERVER_PROTOCOL    HTTP/1.0
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:268 EST] Env: SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:278 EST] Will read 22 bytes for this line
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:278 EST] Read: ESERVER_SOFTWARE    IE4.0
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:278 EST] Env: SERVER_SOFTWARE=IE4.0
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:288 EST] All data read.
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:288 EST] Parsing cookies
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:288 EST] Giving a free context for SingleThreadModel
servlet "SurveyServlet". Remaining free contexts: 3.
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:288 EST] We've got a SingleThreadModel servlet.
[03/03/1999 09:19:30:288 EST] Calling service()

#####  Servlet engine init logs. ######

[03/03/1999 09:17:47:641 EST] JServ is starting...
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:701 EST] WARNING: connection authentication is disabled
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:761 EST] Connection allowed from localhost/
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:781 EST] Connection allowed from
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:781 EST] Listening on port 2489 accepting 50 maximum
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:801 EST] Creating Servlet Zones
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:801 EST] Servlet Zone root initializing...
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:801 EST]  - Configuration file: C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache JServ\conf\zone.properties
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:841 EST] Initialisation timeout: 10 seconds
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:841 EST] Destroy timeout: 10 seconds
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:841 EST] Session timeout: 1800 seconds
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:841 EST] Session check frequency: 30 seconds
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:841 EST] Autoreload on zone file changes: true
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:841 EST] Autoreload on classfile changes: true
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:851 EST] Default initArgs: {}
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:941 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SimpleServlet' ;
initArgs: '{}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:941 EST] SimpleServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:951 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SessionServlet' ;
initArgs: '{}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:951 EST] SessionServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:961 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SnoopServlet' ;
initArgs: '{}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:961 EST] SnoopServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:971 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SurveyServlet' ;
initArgs: '{survey=john, resultsDir=c:\temp}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:47:991 EST] SurveyServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:001 EST] Created SingleThreadModel store for servlet
"SurveyServlet" with initial capacity 5 and added a context.
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:001 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SurveyServlet' ;
initArgs: '{survey=john, resultsDir=c:\temp}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:001 EST] SurveyServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:001 EST] Added a new SingleThreadModel servlet
"SurveyServlet" in the store. Total servlets: 2. Free servlets: 2.
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:001 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SurveyServlet' ;
initArgs: '{survey=john, resultsDir=c:\temp}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:001 EST] SurveyServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:001 EST] Added a new SingleThreadModel servlet
"SurveyServlet" in the store. Total servlets: 3. Free servlets: 3.
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:011 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SurveyServlet' ;
initArgs: '{survey=john, resultsDir=c:\temp}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:011 EST] SurveyServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:021 EST] Added a new SingleThreadModel servlet
"SurveyServlet" in the store. Total servlets: 4. Free servlets: 4.
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:021 EST] Initializing servlet: 'SurveyServlet' ;
initArgs: '{survey=john, resultsDir=c:\temp}'
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:021 EST] SurveyServlet: init
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:021 EST] Added a new SingleThreadModel servlet
"SurveyServlet" in the store. Total servlets: 5. Free servlets: 5.
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:021 EST] Giving a free context for SingleThreadModel
servlet "SurveyServlet". Remaining free contexts: 4.
[03/03/1999 09:17:48:021 EST] Servlet Zone root initialization complete

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