
This is the code for connection to a database using the ODBC Driver for

The code explanation is as follows:-

public Connection getConnection()

*this defines the start of the method i.e. the connection code is written in
this method.*

               Connection con = null;

*here you declare the Connection object . INitially it is set to null. Next
the Try block is defined.*


*This line loads the Driver i.e. the Java ODBC driver in this case.*

                       con =

*Using the loaded driver, next the connection is made using the
getConnection method of the DriverManager Class. Credentials that are to be
supplied to this method are DSN Name , user name and password. i.e. ( DSN
Name, username ,password)*

                       System.out.println("Con : "+con);

*Here we just print the connection details to the system console*

                     return con;
*Here we return the Connection object to the program where this user-defined
method getConnection was called.*

               catch(Exception e)

*This defines the Exception handling. If any error occurs, then this
exception handler thorws the details of this error to the system console
using the statement below.*

                       System.out.println("Exception  ");

*The above line prints the entire stack of the flow in which Error was
generatred by Java. It gives details as to the reason behind the error*

               return null;

*Close the function and return null in such a case*

*I suggest you place the return null statement in the Exception block rather
than at the end of execution. The code seems fine for now. But it is better
you keep it inside to make it modular.*

Hope this helps,
Jitesh Dundas

On 8/15/09, jatti <jatin_john1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> public Connection getConnection()
>        {
>                Connection con = null;
>                try
>                {
>                        Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
>                        con =
> DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:TSMS","TSMS","TSMS");
>                        System.out.println("Con : "+con);
>                        return con;
>                }
>                catch(Exception e)
>                {
>                        System.out.println("Exception  ");
>                        e.printStackTrace();
>                }
>                return null;
> >

Thanks & Regards,
Jitesh Dundas

Research Associate, DIL Lab,

Scientist, Edencore Technologies(www.edencore.net)

Phone:- +91-9860925706


"No idea is stupid,either its too good to be true, or its way ahead of its

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