On 4 sep, 12:09, peeter brunch <peeterbru...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Where is the domain-directory?
The domain directory is the directory where the application is
deployed. Inside Netbeans, there is an in-place deployment, so that
the domain directory is the build directory, or the dist directory is
you build and clean the project, thus creating a war file.
Otherwise, the domain directory is inside glassfish/domains/domain1
either applications or autodeploy subdirectory if you deploy by hand.

Then depending on version of Netbeans/Glassifh you use, glassfish
directory is inside:
SUNWappserver for Glassfish v2
sges-v3-prelude for Glassfish v3-prelude
glassfish-v3-b57 for Glassfidh v3 (at this date of writing)

And if Glassfish have been installed with Netbeans, those directories
are inside Netbeans directory.

At least on a Mac.
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