On Wed, 4 Nov 1998 16:05:59 +0100 (CET), Bruno Boettcher wrote:

>just tryed to install the jdk116v5 on our server and when compiling i get the
>following error:
>5:44:30 erm1:~/java/jSim$ make
>javac  -classpath /usr/local/java/lib/classes.zip:. Capacitor.java 
>/usr/local/java/bin/../bin/checkVersions: {isGreaterOrEqual: command not found
>javac  -classpath /usr/local/java/lib/classes.zip:. Constant.java 
>/usr/local/java/bin/../bin/checkVersions: {isGreaterOrEqual: command not found
>javac  -classpath 

That was an error in the checkVersions script.  It turns out that
in bash 2.x you do not want the space but in bash 1.x you do.

I have fixed that by using a different syntax - rather than {isGre....}
it now uses ( isGre... )

(Yes, with spaces this time too...)

This is rather archane and is really a problem that bash is inconsistant
between 1.x (which is on RedHat and most others) and 2.x (which is on
SuSE 5.2 at least)  I would think more compatibility problems would
be already showing up with that difference.

We are releasing a v5a version of the 1.1.6 JDK but it turns out that
JDK 1.1.7 is almost ready to be released (actually it is, just the
readme needs to be updated) and the 1.1.7 release adds a major feature
for glibc systems - a native threads package!  (not supported in libc5)

Michael Sinz -- Director of Research & Development, NextBus Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --------- http://www.nextbus.com
My place on the web ---> http://www.users.fast.net/~michael_sinz

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