On Wed, 11 Nov 1998 09:57:38 -0500, Jon Allen wrote:

>I have installed the package jre_1_1_7-v1a-glibc-x86-native_tar.gz on my
>RedHat 5.1 system.  In keeping with the new UNIX standard, I made a
>/usr/opt directory (with the symbolic link to /opt) and installed the
>I put the jre in my path.  When I type 'jre' I get "Could not locate Java

Do you have any environment variables (such as JAVA_HOME) set?
JAVA_HOME is a common problem.

The other problem could be due to having the wrong libc/glibc version
of the JRE.  Since you are RedHat, you should make sure you have the
glibc version (glibc also happens to work the best)

>I have tried to copy the rt.jar file from the NT version of the jre because
>it appeared to be missing from the tar file.

Which tar file did you use?  I just tried the jre_1.1.7-v1a-glibc-x86.tar.gz
file that we built and "tar -zxf jre..." and then made the jre117_v1a/bin
directory part of the path and typed "jre"

>Although the idea of Kaffe being Java in RedHat 5.1, I prefer Java that is
>closer to the SUN standard.  (Besides I could not get Kaffe to work.)

You may wish to check that the jre command is the one you think it is.

        which jre

should return the file .../jre117_v1a/bin/jre

Michael Sinz -- Director of Research & Development, NextBus Inc.
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