Joseph Shraibman wrote:

Alex Amerik wrote:


I noticed that 2.6 kernel no longer reports correct CPU use on multi threaded java applications. My tomcat instance reports 0% cpu use when infact it is using 90% cpu. I tried to view threads using top but nothing shows up. How can I enable CPU usage statistics for my multi threaded java applications (eg. tomcat) in linux 2.6 kernels?


I'm guessing this is a problem with top, not the kernel. What platform are you on and where did you get the kernel?

I am on a Pentium 4 machine running RedHat 9. Kernel sources 2.6.7 were downloaded from This happens only on some java applications such as tomcat and obejctdb, other apps such as Eclipse report their CPU usage correct. It is not limited to top, ps behaves the same way. When I reboot back to 2.4.x kernel series this problem dissapears.



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