The FieldCache (which is used for sorting), uses arrays of size
maxDoc() to cache field values.  String sorting will involve caching a
String[] (or StringIndex) and int sorting will involve caching an
int[].  Unique string values are shared in the array, but the String
values plus the String[] will always take up more room than the int[].

Now hiring --

On 11/9/05, Monsur Hossain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.  I have a question about sorting.  Lucene in Action says: "For
> numeric types, each field being sorted for each document in the index
> requires that four bytes be cached.  For String types, each unique term is
> also cached for each document."
> I want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly.  Lets say I have a
> document with some text and a date; a typical document might look like this:
> text = hello world
> date = 20050401
> Lets say I index 10,000 of these documents into a single Lucene index.  I
> then create two IndexSearchers on this index and do a search.  The first
> IndexSearcher sorts by date as an int, the other sorts by date as a string:
> IndexSearcher #1 = date sort on INT
> IndexSearcher #2 = date sort in STRING
> If I understand the quoted sentence correctly, IndexSearcher #1 will have an
> int array storing one date per document, while IndexSearcher #2 will have a
> string array with only unique dates?  If so, is there a particular reason
> why sorting as an int doesn't cache unique dates?
> The reason I ask this is consider an index with 10,000 documents, where I
> store year, month, and day as separte fields (for simplicity lets assume I
> only store the years 2000 - 2005 only).  When searching as an int, if each
> field of each document needs to be cached, that's 10,000 documents * 3
> fields = 30,000 cached ints.  If terms are uniquely cached, that's just 6
> (for each year) + 12 (for each month) + 31 (for each day) = 49 cached ints.
> Am I interpreting any of this correctly?
> Thanks,
> Monsur

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