Hello Yonik,

Thanks, it explains my issue and that's definitely a hit - I tried to
sort by filePath field which can be 100 bytes at average meaning 400M
RAM for the cache + IO excess to load them from 3G index. I wish this
caching were configurable as lazy or switched off, do you know if
that's possible?

>> I've tried to utilize Lucene's sorting function
YS> [...]
>> But on large index (4mln docs) I
>> get big delay with CPU to 100% and then OutOfMemoryError even when
>> there's only 1 document in the resultset!

YS> The first time you sort on a field, a FieldCache entry is populated,
YS> enabling random access to that field value.  A single int field for a
YS> 4M index == int[4000000] == 16MB memory.

Best regards,
 Artem                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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